Greg Lassiter

Ask Sofia



The Ask Sofia radio show, is a platform where listeners can call in and engage in lively discussions on a wide range of topics. This show is all about providing a space for open dialogue, diverse opinions, and the exchange of ideas. Hosted by Sofia Georgiou a knowledgeable and compassionate host, Ask Sofia invites callers to share their thoughts, questions, and personal experiences on any subject they choose. Whether it's about relationships, personal development, hobbies, current events, or even unique interests, this show embraces the concept that every topic is worth exploring. The format of Ask Sofia encourages callers to dial in and engage in meaningful conversations with Sofia and other listeners. It's an inclusive and welcoming environment, where everyone's voice is valued and respected. Sofia's warm demeanor and ability to create a comfortable atmosphere ensure that all callers feel heard and encouraged to share their perspectives. The show covers a vast range of topics, allowing for diverse and