Roger That!

Ep. 11: The Ketchup's Catchup



In this week’s episode your co-hosts get back to their bread and butter and  catch up on news that they’ve missed over the past few weeks. Gorgo and Roger discuss what’s been going on at the White House including the block of certain (left-leaning) news outlet; the Republican’s plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare with the American Health Care Act; how women ruined A Day Without A Woman--including Gorgo; the disgraced and former pick as the National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn; what the latest Wikileaks mean for our smart devices, smart homes and our just overall smarter and more convenient life; our thoughts on inappropriate relationships between students and teachers; and we pay a quick homage to The Pokey Little Puppy because this year it turned 75! Happy Birthday old boy! Get ready for an episode packed full of news!   Also, not mentioned, but definitely happening Roger and Gorgo will be out and about at SXSW 17! We’re looking forward to meeting some of our fans and connecting with interesting people