Mojo For Running



Achieve Your Runner Goals


  • MFR 19: A Great Work Ethic, a Challenged Runner

    19/01/2014 Duración: 07min

    You may be surprised to learn that, contrary to logic, when it comes to running, a great work ethic can actually make sticking to a running schedule more difficult. Most runners have a great work ethic, certainly an admirable quality, but that can be the very attribute that challenges their running training, making it necessary […] The post MFR 19: A Great Work Ethic, a Challenged Runner appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 18: DNF Means “Do Nothing Foolish!”

    18/01/2014 Duración: 07min

    Have you heard the term “DNF”? Veteran runners will know that DNF stands for “Did Not Finish,” three somewhat unpleasant words for every runner of every level. It is super tough for any runner to imagine stopping, not finishing. Many of us remember the famous scene from one of the 1982 Ironman World Triathlon in […] The post MFR 18: DNF Means “Do Nothing Foolish!” appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 17: Running Through the Holidays

    17/01/2014 Duración: 20min

    It’s always a challenge to stick to your training schedule during the holidays. Everyone seems to struggle. As much as we relish the holidays, the months of November and December can also bring a load of stress as we find ourselves pulled to one event after another, and to cause even more stress, we often […] The post MFR 17: Running Through the Holidays appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 16: You Just Never Know

    16/01/2014 Duración: 11min

    Let’s talk about the occasion when you may depart from the racing plan and why it’s okay to do it once in a while. Sometimes you plan and train perfectly, but, inexplicably, on race day, the wheels fall off, and other times nothing seems to go right before the race, but once the gun fires, […] The post MFR 16: You Just Never Know appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 15: Food, Birthdays, Calories and Running

    15/01/2014 Duración: 09min

    Every runner I know is concerned about diet, nutrition, calories, and weight, at least to some extent. In fact, most runners, about 90 percent, become runners, at least in part, to lose weight. No runner wants to carry around any extra pounds on those long runs. Let’s talk about portion size, healthy eating habits for […] The post MFR 15: Food, Birthdays, Calories and Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 14: Hot Weather Running

    14/01/2014 Duración: 17min

    We all run in hot weather from time to time. If you live in the South, like me, you run in it a lot. In this episode, I discuss how hot weather affects running. Then, I offer some tips for getting in your runs even when temps rise above 80 or 90 degrees, and I […] The post MFR 14: Hot Weather Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 13: Per Mile Pace Difference for Hard Easy Runs

    13/01/2014 Duración: 08min

    Every runner of every level needs to know the answer to this question: What should the per mile pace difference be between hard runs and easy runs? How would you answer that question? This is critical because running at a pace that is too fast or too slow, at any given time, will affect your […] The post MFR 13: Per Mile Pace Difference for Hard Easy Runs appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 12: Dealing with Running Injuries

    12/01/2014 Duración: 16min

    If you are a runner – and if you’re here, logically, you are – then you will inevitably deal with a running injury, and you probably already have had to do so. If you haven’t been running long and haven’t experienced an injury, that’s great, but it will happen. That’s not a pessimistic attitude. No […] The post MFR 12: Dealing with Running Injuries appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 11: There’s Always Next Time

    11/01/2014 Duración: 07min

    Sometimes life gets in the way of your running training, and there is no way to prevent it. Maybe little Carla wakes up at 3 a.m. with a fever. That is your top priority, and you will be preoccupied with her for at least a few hours. Your 5:30 a.m. run is instantly a ‘no-go.’ […] The post MFR 11: There’s Always Next Time appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 10: The Long Term Effects of Running

    10/01/2014 Duración: 09min

    Do you ever wonder about the long term effects of running? Sure, running is good for your heart, it burns lots of calories, and has a host of other well known benefits, but do you wonder if your body will eventually suffer from all those miles? Will it breakdown? Will your knees go? How will […] The post MFR 10: The Long Term Effects of Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 09: Easing Into Speed Work

    09/01/2014 Duración: 20min

    If you want to get faster, there are plenty of ways to accomplish that goal besides traditional speedwork, but despite that fact, there is no substitute for good old-fashioned, traditional speedwork, but what options do you have? Actually your options are many and varied, which makes doing speedwork fun, at least to a point. In […] The post MFR 09: Easing Into Speed Work appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 08: 15 Tips for Running Faster

    08/01/2014 Duración: 21min

    Do you want to run faster? In this episode I explain 15 tips for running faster. A future podcast will deal exclusively with speed work, per se. This episode presents 15 other activities you likely wouldn’t have thought about trying. I suggest adding a couple of these at a time to your running training. If […] The post MFR 08: 15 Tips for Running Faster appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 07: Tapering for Your Goal Race

    07/01/2014 Duración: 17min

    If you’ve never trained with a running coach, you likely have never tapered for a race. It’s possible you’ve never even heard of tapering. Master the art of the taper, and you will be amazed. The final phase of the macro cycle is tapering, that magical – and sometimes frustrating – time at the end […] The post MFR 07: Tapering for Your Goal Race appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 06: After Base Building

    06/01/2014 Duración: 06min

    Okay, you’ve built your training base. What next? Now, you move into the second phase of your macro training cycle. It’s time to stop increasing your mileage and start working on running speed and race specific training. This second phase will prepare you for the third phase, tapering. If you built a good base in […] The post MFR 06: After Base Building appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 05: Macro and Micro Cycles

    05/01/2014 Duración: 15min

    Learn what running coaches mean when they say to construct your training using macro and micro cycles. And, learn how to use micro cycles to plan the base building, sharpening and tapering phases of your macro training cycle. The focus in this episode is mainly on the base building phase, perhaps the most critical phase […] The post MFR 05: Macro and Micro Cycles appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 04: High School Cross Country Runners

    04/01/2014 Duración: 08min

    In this episode, I introduce you to three high school cross country runners. This episode was originally an article printed in Florida Running & Triathlon Magazine. I write an article for each issue, and each one features several runners’ experiences as they tackle a new distance or type of race. These three are just finishing […] The post MFR 04: High School Cross Country Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 03: The Once Weekly Long Run

    03/01/2014 Duración: 19min

    Let’s talk about the all-important once weekly long run, which is distinct from the other hard run days of the week. The long run is the second basic weekly element of any running training schedule, after the hard easy principle. In other words, you want to include a long run as one of the hard […] The post MFR 03: The Once Weekly Long Run appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 2: The Hard Easy Training Principle

    02/01/2014 Duración: 17min

    After running and racing for almost 30 years, I finally decided to become a certified running coach. Going into the the training, I assumed I had a reasonable knowledge of how to train, particularly since I’d been working with a coach. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that there was a great quantity of […] The post MFR 2: The Hard Easy Training Principle appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 1: Mojo for Running Podcast Overview

    01/01/2014 Duración: 15min

    After running for thirty years, I became a certified running coach, and I gotta say, I was amazed at how much I didn’t know about how to train. Like most people, for those thirty years, I was tied up with other things besides studying about running. I was teaching school, raising my two kids, and […] The post MFR 1: Mojo for Running Podcast Overview appeared first on Mojo for Running.

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