Case Interview Preparation & Management Consulting | Strategy | Critical Thinking



Firmsconsulting maintains a 80% success rate at placing clients within McKinsey, BCG and Bain. This is the highest in the industry and the rate is higher if we include other firms. We achieve this rate because we only use former partners from McKinsey, BCG et al to develop our clients. This makes us unique. We never use analysts, associates, engagement managers or associate principals. We also carefully select and develop clients on their communication, image, technical and case interview skills.All the techniques we teach are also used in our highly successful program "The Consulting Offer" where we take real students and train them for interviews, and publish all the videos online. In every season, the show has succeeded to place candidates.This podcast channel describes our lessons from training our


  • 57: Strategies for Written Case Interviews

    16/02/2012 Duración: 18min

    Written cases, pioneered by Monitor Deloitte, and now used by all firms are very intimidating. Written cases actually test core prioritization skills much better than verbal cases, since written case interviews can dump tonnes of data on a candidate. The trick to written cases is to have a filtering system to find the data you need from the worthless data, and of course, recognizing that not all the data is useful. Written cases mirror cases done in case-method schools like Harvard. Lots of data is provided in those cases, but not all is useful. Your job is to find the useful data and that means having a framework upfront.

  • 56: Richard Ivey Case Interview Advice

    10/02/2012 Duración: 23min

    Richard Ivey in Southern Ontario is one of the 4 great case schools in the world - along with Harvard, IESE and Darden - and a school with which we have a deep affiliation given our client history. In recent years we have had much fewer clients, but we still retain a deep understanding of the program and receive many queries from Ivey candidates. This podcast details some of the common questions we receive from Ivey candidates in the hope it answers them all in one location. Much of the advice is counter-intuitive and we hope it helps with your own case interview preparation.

  • 55: Inspiring Asian Client's Story

    04/02/2012 Duración: 31min

    As a policy, we do not write much about our clients. However, I felt this story was worth sharing. A candidate from an unknown school, from one of the poorest developing countries in the world, lands an offer at BBM. In fact, the first from her country. I have heavily disguised her details to protect her identity. Note, this client was a Firmsconsulting Emerging Fellow, the very first and the reason we started this program, when she was admitted to our program and is part of the scholarship program we run to identify and groom outstanding individuals from the emerging markets and inner cities.

  • 54: Summer Reading Books

    29/01/2012 Duración: 07min

    These are the 4 books we recommend for summer reading. Two, are among the most important books for management consulting that we recommend for all management consultants. "McKinsey's Marvin Bower" is a book we recommend to every single and aspiring consultant and is the foundation of understanding the values of management consulting.

  • 53: Some Consultants mislead

    23/01/2012 Duración: 19min

    This podcast discusses one of the most common problems for candidates. When consultants are indifferent, unwilling to give bad news or insufficiently informed, they can provide misleading information which costs time and money. The irony is that candidates place too much emphasis on this feedback and sometimes hurt their chances. We discuss the reasons why this happens, common phrases to be aware off and ignore and how to carefully read between the lines when accepting feedback.

  • 52: Proving our techniques on dialogue

    17/01/2012 Duración: 18min

    Last week we attended a graduation dinner for a candidate, who insisted we prove to her that it is possible to speak authoritatively on any subject and with zero preparation. She introduced us to a doyen of health economics to test this theory. FYI – we were not prepped in advance and do not know anything about the field. We wanted to show her techniques to manage such situations. Listen to what happens.

  • 51: Networking Mistakes

    11/01/2012 Duración: 19min

    Tackles some the recent problems we have seen with candidates. We have tried to stay away from conventional advice and address issues not commonly discussed. Since this is largely based on the tactics we advise our clients to follow, it is bound to be counter to the plethora of advice you find in many books and on many sites.

  • 50: Analyst-Partner mistakes

    05/01/2012 Duración: 59min

    This long podcast (60 minutes) examines the common mistakes consultants make at each level of their career. I have gone into some detail to explain my own mistakes, and that of former and current colleagues. Some of the advice is counter-intuitive and I have stayed away from generic advice. This will be very useful to aspiring consultants who need to understand what it takes to succeed at each level.

  • 49: Join Accenture etc?

    30/12/2011 Duración: 13min

    We get this question more times than you can imagine. We also get a chorus of Accenture people telling us we are wrong, and they are “eating McKinsey’s lunch.” I think the question posed is incorrect and the defense of Accenture is incorrect. This podcast explains why. BBM are good at advising decision makers on general management issues. They excel at that. They are pretty much no-where in the implementation space. Accenture, Deloitte SO etc have their areas of strength, but it is not in the general management advisory space. They are both good at different things. Decide what you want to do and then pick the firm. However, don’t assume a firm is good everything, and if you have never worked at BBM, don’t believe everything your Accenture/Deloitte/[add your firms name here] partner says. Get first-hand information. FYI – Kennedy Research, the Economist and IDC Research are not first-hand information and neither is getting the opinion of a junior person or someone with just one or two years experience.

  • 48: BCG And Clients

    24/12/2011 Duración: 40min

    Not all BCG engagements begin via a call from the CEO or Chairman of the board. Many do, but life is not that simple. Some, unusually, begin with a call from a middle-manager who does not speak English well. What differentiates BCG, and McKinsey, from Tier-2 firms, however, is how we handle these calls, understand the deeper problems, and cascade the issues upwards until, when the time counts, we are in front of the board. Most Tier-2 firms receiving the same call would settle to try to sell the middle-manager a $100K project or simply dismiss him as unimportant. BCG uses it has an opportunity to learn.

  • 47: Greg Smith's Goldman Op-Ed

    18/12/2011 Duración: 29min

    I have had many people emailing me the Goldman Sachs letter to tell me that, “Michael, this is exactly what you teach us.” It is not. I fundamentally disagree with what Greg Smith did. It goes against the consulting culture, values and ethos, at its very fiber. Here is why, and I would welcome your comments on this.

  • 46: Comparing 2011 MBA Salaries

    12/12/2011 Duración: 14min

    Based on offers made to our candidates in the Fall 2011 full-time recruiting, we present the ranges of packages offered. The sample size, 48, is large enough to offer a good approximation of all offers extended. Listeners are cautioned not to extend these numbers outside the USA, where salaries differ significantly. As expected, Accenture and Deloitte dramatically out-offered Bain, BCG and McKinsey.

  • 45: Follow A Corporate Finance Study

    06/12/2011 Duración: 43min

    An earlier podcast discussed a fairly labor-intensive case where we needed to literally roll-up our sleeves to find and extract data. This is the opposite engagement. It is the glamorous engagement all aspiring consultants dream about and imagine consulting is about. In this engagement, we worked for the largest company in the world, in its sector, to understand how to increase its share price. We were based out of The City in London and had to change conventional wisdom about value creation. I had the good fortune to lead this engagement.

  • 44: Why Most Fail the FIT Interview Outside the FIT

    30/11/2011 Duración: 13min

    Many, many see fit as just 15 minutes of the full case. That is a dangerous myth. You are always being assessed for fit, even when the formal fit portion has ended. Provided you understand this, you will be fine in cases. Moreover, do not memorize answers. The main part of the fit is not the initial answer you provide, but the cross-examination which will follow, especially with McKinsey, and you can never be prepared for that.

  • 43: BTO Applications and Interviews Strategies

    24/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    This podcast addresses some of the common misconceptions candidates have, and the mistakes they routinely make for this McKinsey path. Many of this mistakes commonly arise due to the nature of the work done in BTO. We advice applicants to focus less on "what" is done and much more on "how" it is done. This is also one practice we have been most successful in placing older candidates.

  • 42: Traits of Successful Consulting Applicants

    18/11/2011 Duración: 18min

    A continuation of a podcast series we regularly update which looks at new traits and examines some in greater detail. In this posting, we spend more time looking at experienced candidates. Experienced candidates face unique and material challenges such as being out of an university recruiting cycle (out-of-cycle), having to prove their analytic skills, having to prove their ramp-up rate etc. We discuss how successful clients in our program have met these challenges and thrived.

  • 41: Canadian MBA Programs for Consulting

    12/11/2011 Duración: 18min

    This podcast provides some behind the scenes numbers about MBA program in the Great White North, as well as some tough questions candidates should ask themselves before applying. The headline is that the traditional power-house schools like Ivey and McGill have essentially fallen dramatically behind and largely rely on their alumni success versus any real weight in the current placement numbers.

  • 40: Advice for Deeply Experienced Candidates

    06/11/2011 Duración: 10min

    This podcast looks at the profile of an older MBA candidate who has extensive oil and gas expertise. We offer some counter-intuitive advice to this candidate for their career and planning. While we use an oil and gas profile, this advice is relevant to any experienced hire and we caution candidates to think very carefully about the quality of their backgrounds when applying this advice to their own needs. The quality is what matters - not the time spent in a sector.

  • 39: Converting the internship

    31/10/2011 Duración: 24min

    This podcast presents some proven strategies candidates can apply this summer. We will discuss actual internship examples from our own experiences in consulting firms, and the characteristics of the successful candidates. In particular, I will discuss of the very earliest interns I had the opportunity to hire as a principal and discuss their widely diverging careers, largely built of their internship performance.

  • 38: Case Interview feedback is not gospel

    25/10/2011 Duración: 15min

    Too many aspiring consultants stick too closely to the feedback provided by consulting firms after an interview. The problem with this strategy is that it assumes the feedback is truthful, useful and even designed to help you. This podcast explains how you need to go about critically evaluating the feedback you use, what to use and what to discard. This is an important podcast lest you end up chasing fictitious development areas.

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