Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • The Church: How Much More - Acts 21:1-14

    29/10/2021 Duración: 47min

    Paul begins a remarkable journey in Acts 21, which will result in him being arrested in Jerusalem and sentenced in Rome. Everyone knew that Paul was facing danger on this journey, and many tried to talk him out of it. However, Paul could not be persuaded. Paul had a heart to reach his Jewish kinsmen and had a passion to take the Gospel to the heart of the empire. He knew it would be a costly road, yet he was willing to do whatever it took to glorify God and advance the Kingdom. There's no question, Paul embodied what it meant to be a true Jesus follower. In this message, we marvel at how Paul's journey literally mimicked the steps of Jesus and compare the structure of Luke's two-part story. We unpack Paul's Christlike determination to give instead of take, and consider how much more joy there truly is when we choose the former over the latter. How great a blessing are we leaving on the table by choosing to take instead of give, defend instead of sacrifice?

  • Church Age: Apocalypse - Revelation 3

    29/10/2021 Duración: 49min

    There is often duplicity between something's appearance and its true substance. Sometimes there is a disconnect between what we claim to be and what we actually are. When it comes to Christianity, this equates to hypocrisy. The Church at Sardis and Laodicea both had a great reputation. Sardis was recognized as a thriving, booming church. Laodicea was renown for doing great things and offering lots to its community. However Jesus reveals to them that their hearts were not in line with their professions and reputations. In this message, we talk about the nature of an apocalypse, meant to reveal what is often hidden or covered up. God's Word is constantly presenting an apocalyptic opportunity to us so that nothing remains in darkness. When God reveals to us something that needs to change, He gives us the ability to make those changes. Sardis and Laodicea may have drifted far from their confession, but Jesus was lovingly pursuing and waiting for them to return to Him. Likewise, He stands at the door of our he

  • The Church: Committed - Acts 20

    28/10/2021 Duración: 45min

    Acts 20 serves as a reminder of all that had made the launch of the Church a success. Special attention is given Paul's commitment to encouraging and equipping believers and communities with all they needed to thrive as a local Church. In this message, we break down what faithfulness looks like in a modern context, and how we can see our churches reach and maintain their full strength.

  • Church Age: Heaven's Doors - Revelation 2:8-11

    19/10/2021 Duración: 49min

    In this message, we continue to talk about the tension between the world and the Church, particularly the trials and tribulations that come on the people of God. We hear Jesus' word to Smyrna and Philadelphia, as they were facing increased opposition and persecution. His Word to them was to fear not and remain faithful. He made it clear that following Him would cost them, explicitly saying that many would die for their faith. Revelation is honest and raw about the sufferings of this world, but it puts them in the proper perspective of our mission and the purpose of God. As God is patient with the world to come to Him, are we patient in our struggles? Are we faithful to endure our trials in order to become more like Him and do more for Him? Jesus whispers to us through His word to Smyrna and Philadelphia and reminds us that Heaven's doors are open, and help is on the way. Do we trust Him more than we fear the world? He is trustworthy and His plans for us forever good and promising.

  • The Church: Smashing Idols - Acts 19:21-41

    19/10/2021 Duración: 46min

    Christianity made a huge splash in Ephesus, leading many to forsake their idols and cling to Jesus. In this message, we talk about how idolatry persists in our world today, even and especially in religion. God calls all of us to cast down our idols, and totally surrender to Him. True Christianity should threaten the idol industry, just as it did 2000 years ago.

  • Church Age: Fading Flame - Revelation 2

    12/10/2021 Duración: 48min

    Revelation identifies the Local Church as a candle placed by God to light up a dark world. Jesus' critique of the first few churches is most concerned with each church's ministry and mission. In this message, we consider the calloused church at Ephesus, the compromised church at Pergamum, and the causal church at Thyatira, and hear God's call to repentance. These churches all share a common issue: Their passion for and commitment to Jesus had faded away. As a result, their light had began to dim. Ephesus had drifted away from a relationship into religion. Pergamum and Thyatira seemed to be people of worship, but lacked a true witness and walk with God. Ephesus was all about truth, yet lacked a true heart for God. Pergamum and Thyatira appeared faithful in service, but lacked a faithful lifestyle. These churches remind us that what matters most is knowing Jesus in a personal way. We learn that our church membership is only as effective as our relationship with Christ. Jesus promises that He can heal our ca

  • The Church: Who Are You? - Acts 19:11-20

    12/10/2021 Duración: 46min

    In this message we take a look into the greater, spiritual reality that we live in. Paul's encounter with the Sons of Sceva in Acts 19, gives us insight about the Darkness at work in our world, but the Light available to believers.

  • Risen Radio Episode 2 - What Incarnation?

    07/10/2021 Duración: 47min

    On this week's episode, we discuss how the Incarnation of Christ is continually realized and manifested through the local Church. Learn how participation in the Body of Christ draws us closer to God and brings Him closer to our world.

  • Church Age: Under Pressure - Revelation 1

    05/10/2021 Duración: 46min

    If Jesus were to address today's church, what would He say? Turns out the book of Revelation is a timeless message for every church of every generation. As the last book of the Bible, it completes the foundation set for the Church, equipping God's people to fulfill their mission. The Revelation serves to remind the Church of its place in God's hand, and compel the Church to remain faithful and endure. The pressure that this world has put on, is putting on, and will always put on Christians is highlighted, but so is the protection and power that we have in Christ. As John addresses various churches, marginalized and cornered by the Roman Empire, his words of encouragement to them remain just as relevant to us. Likewise, we are called to be vigilant and focused on finishing the mission, until Kingdom come.

  • The Church: What's On The Inside? - Acts 18:18-19:7

    01/10/2021 Duración: 38min

    Acts 18 and 19 features a couple of interstitial episodes that are connected by a common theme. These accounts spark a conversation about the purpose of outward forms of worship and devotion and how they relate to the heart of the matter. In this message, we talk about how outward observations and practices are ways that we express our faith, but are only as valuable as what our heart possesses. This is what God is most interested in and most concerned about - what's on the inside? As faithful believers, we guard ourselves from being caught up in religion, and losing sight of what matters most. We don't boast about what we do or how we do it, but rather we rest in why we do it and Who we experience through it. God forbid, we ever settle for having mere wisdom, but lack true passion. Mere head-knowledge does not reflect true salvation, but a true personal relationship with Christ is rooted in heart-possession.

  • Risen Radio: Be Faithful

    01/10/2021 Duración: 30min

    A conversation between Pastor Justin and Pastor Brandon Heavner about God's one request of us as His servants and as stewards in His Kingdom. The inspiration for this comes from 1 Corinthians 4:2, wherein the Apostle Paul talks about the importance of faithfulness.

  • VICTORY: Win the War - Joshua 5-6

    29/09/2021 Duración: 48min

    Joshua 5 is a time of preparation for battle, but it’s different than what anyone expected… The people learn that a greater, spiritual war is at hand. We often only see the battle on the surface, but the battle behind the scenes is most pressing. This battle cannot be won by means of flesh and blood, but is only won through worship. In the presence of our enemies, we must learn to worship and seek victory from and through the Lord. Rather than responding to the trials and test of this world in a manner after this world, we must take a higher path. Instead of raising this world's weapons, we raise our voices to Heaven, syncing our hearts up with God's will and way. Worship is a weapon in the spiritual warfare that we wage every day. It breaks the power of sin’s pressure and oppression. It confuses the enemy and can confound his forces. We don’t worship to win, but we worship because we because we have already won. Our victory is the Lord. His presence with us and promise over us is our exceedingly great, e

  • The Church: Snapshot - Acts 18:1-17 & Revelation 12

    29/09/2021 Duración: 47min

    By Acts 18, the Church had breached the firewall that was the Roman Empire. Satan was beginning to launch attacks, to attempt to stop the church from going and growing. The Church had dealt with Jewish opposition but now state-sponsored persecution was on the horizon. Before becoming clearly aware of the situation, Rome began targeting Jews in general, expelling them from the European mainland around 50 AD. As time would pass and more information was gathered, the persecution became more specific towards Christians. This would last from 64 to 313 AD. Paul arrived at Corinth, and met two Jewish Christians on the run, Aquila and Priscilla. They bonded over their faith, and this couple actually joined Paul’s team. Paul goes on in Romans 16:3-4, to commend them as being crucial for helping to build the Gentile Church, saying they “risked their necks” for the cause. Tension arose in Corinth, from Jews who didn’t want to Rome thinking the new movement was their’s, and Greeks who opposed the faith. Paul and his

  • VICTORY : Wonders Among Us - Joshua 3

    21/09/2021 Duración: 48min

    Before entering the Promised Land, the nation of Israel would face one last test from God. This test was meant to prepare them for and consecrate their hearts so that they may make the most of their life in the land. God brought Joshua and the nation to the Jordan River, which seemed like an impossible barrier between them and where they wanted to be. However, the water would not part like the Red Sea had - this crossing would be different. God commands the nation to begin walking into the rushing, roaring water, and leave the rest to Him. God uses this episode to wire their hearts to Him by faith, and break their sensitivity to and reliance on what they saw and how we felt. Crossing the Jordan River represents a pathway from death to life. What seems like a stumbling block is really a stepping stone. Crossing over the Jordan is a transformative passage, teaching us to rely on the Lord and to find ourselves in Him and His way. What feels like cost, is actually bringing about great gain. Our flesh would

  • The Church: Mars Hill - Acts 17:16-34

    21/09/2021 Duración: 43min

    The last half of Acts 17 features the famous account of Paul at Mars Hill, which was an ancient center of idolatry and philosophy. The people of Athens had grown tired of religion. The gods took and demanded all the more, but never gave. Philosophy grew out of this desire to carve a path for people to live peacefully, and hopefully skirt the attention of the gods. However, tradition reminded them that there was no avoiding the gods. Their own consciences felt tethered to idols and idolatry, knowing the only hope beyond this life rested in the gods’ hands. Enter the Apostle Paul, who steps into this place of unrest and yearning. Mars Hill was named after the Roman god of war, but the name was also appropriate seeing the battle the people of Athens were in at heart. They wanted to break free from their bondage to idols and emptiness. Acts 17 is a marvelous portrayal of effective and intentional evangelism. Paul swallows his pride and seeks a connection with the people. His words from 17:24-28 are especially

  • We Remember - Luke 4:16-22

    13/09/2021 Duración: 50min

    2000 years ago the world was dominated by tyranny and terror. This was how things had always been, and appeared the only means of obtaining and maintaining power. However, from a small corner of the Roman Empire, a radical movement began that denounced everything this world stood for and every way this world operated by. A Jewish carpenter from Nazereth proclaimed that God was using Him to usher in a Brand New Age, through and by bold new values. Jesus Christ claimed to bring favor from God for all people and that He had come to bring freedom to all people. He said that He came to break the chains of this world, and to turn everything upside down. He preached that Greatness in the Kingdom of God was not based on superiority or success, but on servanthood. He modeled this servanthood by loving everyone and giving everything He had. His death and resurrection punctuated and validated everything He stood for, and kicked off the Christian movement. His Church would go on to love, give and serve the Roman Empi

  • VICTORY: The Almost Generation - Numbers 13

    07/09/2021 Duración: 49min

    Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt right up to the front door of the Promised Land. God led His people across the Red Sea, to Mt. Sinai, and to Canaan in only 18 months. Upon arriving, conquest and victory were not a matter of "if" but "when" and "how". So Moses sent spies into the land to see how they would take possession of it. Their report was glowing, as it was everything they had prayed for, dreamed of and waited for. However, the majority of the spies lost faith at the sight of the giants in the land. They allowed their potential enemies to overshadow their proven God. The challenge before them became bigger than the Savior above them. Alas, they would spent the next 40 years wandering in the desert in unbelief. They were so close. They *almost* took possession of the Promised Land. Decades later, upon Moses' passing, the next generation was given a second chance. God called Joshua to step up with courage and confidence and lead the people to finally take what was theirs. The contr

  • The Church: Upside Down - Acts 17

    02/09/2021 Duración: 43min

    What was the Early Church’s secret to turning their world upside down? At the heart of every believer was a desire to make a difference, beyond just making points. They weren’t content to just say the right things, but they were committed to doing the right things, in the right ways. They preached a supernatural message and lived out a spiritual lifestyle, and this was appealing to a world that longed for a genuine connection with God. In this message, we breakdown the supernatural message and the spiritual lifestyle of the Early Church. We also talk about how a particular church plant proves to be an incredible example for us to follow. With a focus on the Berean Church, we talk about how they took full advantage of what God was providing them, and maximized their potential. How can we turn our worlds upside down in 2021? Well, the secret may just be found in the Berean Church.

  • VICTORY: Promised Land - Joshua 1:1-9

    30/08/2021 Duración: 49min

    Our God is holy and perfect and holds Himself and His creation to the highest of standards. Yet in His holiness, He is also loving, willing to clean up a mess that He didn't make through His Redemption Plan. The LORD is a God of Victory and Salvation, working all things out for His Glory and our good. This is on display through His redemptive work with Israel. He called them His own, saved them from bondage, and gifted them with a Promised Land. However, Israel struggled to make their way into that land. Even upon reaching its borders, they were reluctant and pessimistic about their ability to enter in. Herein we get a glimpse of a struggle we all face. Often we stand on the edge of where we want to be and know we should be as children of God, accepting the lie that we'll never make it there. There are so many forces of deception at work in this world, trapping us in bondage. God's message to Joshua and his generation is that through His power, they could find the strength and the courage to overcome

  • Inevitable: As It Is In - Matthew 6:5-10

    24/08/2021 Duración: 45min

    In this series we've looked at a prayer that Jesus prayed the night before He died. We've studied a prayer from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. This week, we take a look at the prayer template given to every disciple. What do these 3 prayers have in common? Well, they all carry a desire for unity. Sometimes the Bible's call for unity and words against division may seem a little unrealistic. After all, our world is fallen, and isn't division inevitable? Isn't unity just a lofty dream? Indeed, it seems like something that could only be realized in Heaven... Enter the model prayer given to every Jesus Follower. What does Jesus instruct us to pray? "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done... On Earth AS IT IS IN Heaven." We've prayed this line 100s, even 1000s of times, yet have we ever really meant it? This line agrees with Jesus and Paul, that unity isn't just possible, but it's necessary that every Christian choose it and pursue it. In this message we talk about what "As It Is In Heaven" means f

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