Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Imago Dei: Temples of God - Romans 2:14-16

    07/06/2021 Duración: 47min

    In this conclusion to our series about The Image of God, we engage in our most challenging conversation yet. Opening up to Romans 2 and 1 Corinthians 6, we hear from God's Word on how the First Century Church approached a culture that seemed impossibly far from God and egregiously steeped in sin. The Roman Empire had built its institutions on and around a brand of immorality that would make even the most worldly person of our day blush. It seemed highly unlikely that the Church would ever make an impact on such a generation... However, the Apostle Paul appeals to the conscience within ever human as the basis for hope and the reason to spread the Gospel of Christ. He confronts Jewish Christians who were quick to judge pagans, by calling them to an even higher standard. Paul believed and taught that the only way the Church was going to change the world was by holding to and modeling its convictions. It couldn't wring its hands at some things while apologizing for others - especially when it came to morality

  • The Church: Kingdom Ambition - Acts 11-13

    04/06/2021 Duración: 43min

    We are by nature an ambitious people. We set goals and make plans, and work diligently to accomplish and surpass them. As members of the Church and servants of a Higher Kingdom, we must consider how our ambitions for God compare to those for lesser things. Could it be that we are wasting energy meant for a greater purpose on things that will never be as fulfilling? As we study the Church at Antioch, among what stands out the most is their Kingdom Ambition. They were a community of God's people who were faithful in serving the Lord and impacting the world for His Glory. We know that from Antioch, the rest of the Greco-Roman world comes to hear about Jesus. God raised up Barnabas and Paul to start this global mission. However, this was after they had spent years serving Him in smaller, more obscure areas. Jesus taught that simple, every-day faithfulness to God will open doors for greater, sacred opportunities. Only when our ambitions are wired after God's Kingdom will we be able to bypass distractions and o

  • Imago Dei: Image of the Beast - Revelation 12-13

    01/06/2021 Duración: 53min

    The Book of Revelation is written to a world in a brand new reality. Yes, the world remains fallen, under sin's curse, but God had just sent His Son, established His church, and provided a cure for sin. Revelation wrestles with this new, dual reality that the world was waking up to. It was written to show the Church that there was a pathway to endure and overcome, thanks to its newfound hope. Whether it was John's generation, those that came in the aftermath, or today's Church - Revelation provides a relevant word from God about our struggle and our mission. In the text, Jesus introduces Himself to John as "the one who was, is, and is to come". This fittingly frames Revelation has having something to say to every generation which opens it up. Revelation shows us a picture of the world clutched in the Enemy's grasp, as he seeks to keep us in our fallen state. In this message, we hear God's sobering call over us all to identify the false hopes around us, and seek His help from above. May we not bow to th

  • Imago Dei: Reimagined - Genesis 3

    01/06/2021 Duración: 47min

    The Fall impacted Creation to its very core. The effects on our world, from human nature to society, were truly systemic. There are many symptoms of the curse upon this world, but they all can be traced back to the original sin of Adam. One of the most underrated texts and illustrations in the Bible is how Jesus directly responds to Adam's rebellion. In John 13, we read and observe how Jesus counters and provides the cure for our fallen, systemic condition. Pointing to His work on the cross, Jesus demonstrates what our lives can look like, reimagined after His image. In this message, we unpack the example Jesus left for us in John 13, and seek to remedy our sinful nature with this heavenly model of humility and love.

  • The Church: Glorious Loss - Acts 12

    20/05/2021 Duración: 43min

    Acts 12 brings a pause to the progression and expansion of the Church, and sees persecution on the rise again. The Church in Jerusalem faces its greatest trial yet, as King Herod arrests two of Jesus' original followers. After it appeared like the days of opposition were behind them, suddenly the Church loses James and is at risk of losing Peter. This chapter reminds us of the trials that we will face as believers, but it also reminds us of our true hope in Christ. Even though James dies, he did not lose and was by no means less favored. A Christian's hope is eternal life, and confidence that even in death there is victory. Peter's escape from prison, shows us that God can deliver us from our earthly trials, if it be His will. The Church's surprise at Peter's escape shows us that their confidence was not in Peter, but in God. Even if they lost Peter, as they did James, they knew that God would be with them. Ultimately this chapter shows us that however intense the trial may be, God's presence will always

  • Image of God: East of Eden - Genesis 2

    18/05/2021 Duración: 47min

    Both the Bible and world history tell a story of humanity's longing and desire to know and walk with God. There is millennia's worth of evidence of the awareness of our natural separation from God and the yearning to overcome this gap. Genesis sets a tone that is found throughout the Bible, of mankind's drift east, away from where God intended us to be. Thankfully, that thread is countered by God's plan to reverse this trend and restore us to His image. In this series, we are opening God's Word to seek out His pathway back and to discover His ideal will for us. He designed both men and women to uniquely, distinctively, and complementarily bear and reflect His image. In Genesis 2, in His original commands to Adam, we see how men specifically can begin glorifying God with their every day lives. By God's grace, we can recover what was lost in the fall and realize life to its fullest, after the complete image of God.

  • The Church: Christianity - Acts 11:19-30

    18/05/2021 Duración: 40min

    After Peter testifies to the universal power of God's grace, the Church sets its sights on a brand new frontier. The story to come in Acts launches from the first church plant in Antioch. It can't be overstated how important this initiative is to both Church and world history, in that the Judaism spin-off finally gets its own identity as a result. God's hand rests powerfully on the Church at Antioch, as more people begin to hear the Good News of Jesus.

  • Image of God: Endless Love - Psalm 139

    09/05/2021 Duración: 45min

    The Bible tells us we are made in God's image. What does this mean? In Psalm 139, David writes that his sense of worth and purpose had been elevated by his deeper understanding of God's design of and desire for us. David himself had led Israel in "seeking God's face", in an attempt to get back to truly knowing God and realizing our connection to Him. In this message, we talk about what it means to bear the image of God, and how sin impacted our relationship. Our goal in this series is to fully appreciate God's plan for our lives, and know how we can glorify Him as unique and distinct human beings. We take a special look in closing at how David discovers the face of God in an unexpected way and place. As broken-hearted mother mourns the loss of our sons, David catches a glimpse of the endless love of God...

  • The Church: God's Way - Acts 11:1-18

    07/05/2021 Duración: 47min

    After Peter takes a step into the unknown in the previous chapter, Acts 11 opens the doors on a brand new future for the Church. However, not all of the Jewish Church leaders are comfortable with this reality. Peter realizes that they stand at the precipice of a watershed moment for the Church, and doesn't back down at the rampant criticism that comes his way. He refuses to allow religion and nationalism to thwart this potential growth. Recounting his experience, which saw him overcome his own prejudice, arrogance and indifference, Peter passionately proclaims that he would never stand in God's way. The Church's health and growth was contingent on their obedience to the Great Commission, especially in how they loved and engaged those that seemed the farthest away from God. From here on, the Church would look and operate much differently than before, with a priority on reaching and welcoming people of all kinds, backgrounds and cultures. May we take Peter's words to heart, and ask ourselves the same questio

  • Prayer: AMEN - Matthew 6:13

    04/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    In our series on Prayer, God has invited us to find true life in His pathway and plans, through surrendering to, trusting in and following Jesus. The capstone of the Lord's Prayer confirms why this is the obvious posture we should posses ever day - For to God belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory. All things are from Him, all things are for Him, and all things flow to Him. How blessed we are to be able to live for and contribute to His Kingdom, Power and Glory! No matter what gets us down, tempts us to go astray, or overshadows our path, we remember and are strengthened by this: Jesus is bigger, better and brighter. In Him is hope, help and light. In this message, we consider the example of Solomon who showed us how life is best when lived this way, while also showing us what happens when we chose an inferior way.

  • The Church: Coming Together - Acts 10:28-48

    04/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    It’s safe to assume the Church had zero intentions of larger expansion post-Acts 8. With Saul's conversion and commission in Acts 9, this is even further implied. God needed an emissary to the Gentiles, and the Twelve show little interest. Yet, God wanted the whole Church on board so Acts 9 swings back to Peter... Peter picks up where he left off in Acts 5, but then finds himself in Joppa (!!!) and on the cusp of a revolutionary moment in history. They weren’t going to the Gentiles, but God was about to bring them to the Church. Enter Cornelius Truth be told, the issue was that the church questioned if Gentiles could be saved, but if they *should* be saved. They knew Jesus was irresistible and His grace powerful. Like Jonah before him, Peter wasn’t doubting God’s grace, he was frustrated by it. (Jonah 3:19-4:3) Perhaps their negligence of Gentles wasn’t malicious, but the point of this text is that we have no excuse to not be reaching and engaging all people, especially those different than us. Peter confe

  • Prayer: The Invitation - Matthew 6:13

    27/04/2021 Duración: 44min

    Who/what leads you into temptation? Do you ever lead yourself into temptation? We all give into temptation and we often try to hide or even dismiss the ramifications of our choices. If we’re being honest though, we become more disappointed in ourselves and less satisfied with life every time we give in. Thankfully, following Jesus *leads us not* into temptation. Following Jesus means that we are choosing a Better Way. He calls us to a self-denying, cross-bearing Way, leading us to a life of love. A life of love is the opposite of a life of temptation, as it looks for ways to honor God and submit to others, before temptation gives us an inferior path to take. If we succumb to temptation, we cross the threshold to loss. But, following Jesus is the threshold to life. By following Him, we have abundant and full life, that shows us how we can do the greatest good for the greatest number of people and the Greater Kingdom of God. Committing to follow Jesus, allows us to avoid temptation and escape the danger that

  • The Church: Surprised By Grace - Acts 9:32-10:29

    27/04/2021 Duración: 40min

    The focus in Acts shifts back to the Apostle Peter, who rejoins the mission field after a brief time corroborating with Mark on the story of Jesus. Peter is filled with the second wind of momentum that is sweeping through the Church, and God performs great signs and wonders through his ministry. However, Peter is not prepared to take the Gospel where God intends it go. More importantly, Peter is not ready to take the Gospel to whom God intends it to go. Filled with God's Spirit and zealous as he was, Peter's heart was actually harboring a great sin. In Peter's miracles we witness God removing obstacles that were keeping people from life. However, these were merely building up to the moment when God would show Peter the greater obstacle in his heart, and offer to remove it. In this message, we witness Peter wrestle with this Gospel-inhibiting sin, and come to a place of repentance and surrender. Witness Peter go from skeptical to surprised of what God was able to do, of who God was able to save...

  • Covenant: Faithful Beyond End - Jeremiah 43-52

    19/04/2021 Duración: 40min

    In this conclusion to our Jeremiah study, we take a look at God's final word through Jeremiah to his generation. While the people of Israel, refuse to heed God's Word, God reminds them that He will continue to work towards His redemption plan. We observe how God is always at work in history and amongst the nations. What may seem inexplicable, is given clarity when we understand that all things transpire to spread the Gospel and prepare the Kingdom. God is always working to exalt His plan of salvation and bring justice to the whole world. His promises are true, and He is faithful beyond end.

  • The Church: Second Wind - Acts 9:9-31

    19/04/2021 Duración: 35min

    In this message, we breakdown Paul's conversion and commission in Damascus. His transformation in Christ sets up the Church for a second wave of momentum, which will lead to the globalization of the Gospel. This chapter gives us a detailed look at the confidence God instills in Paul upon his conversion. We also are given two great examples to follow in how we should treat and respond to those who are coming to Christ.

  • Prayer: Greater Gifts - Matthew 6:11-12

    19/04/2021 Duración: 44min

    The middle of The Lord's Prayer is all about what we should ask for. Jesus tells us that we should ask for two very specific things, for gifts that God wants to give us. In this message we talk about how we should pray and trust God for both provisions and pardon. However, Jesus tells us to pray for just enough of this world's goods, while understanding that God's grace is so unlimited that we must extend it to others. At the heart of this template of prayer is a challenge to our flesh and natural instincts. By nature, we pray for God to give us unlimited supplies, while giving us limited to little accountability to others. Jesus turns this on its head, because our nature is trying to get in the way of us and God in the long run. This is meant to remind us that we need just enough of this world’s good to survive, but we need all of God’s goodness to thrive. So may we pray less for stuff, and trust God for just enough. May we more so pray that we might treasure the Greater Gift and that we might share it wi

  • Prayer: Soundtrack of our lives - Matthew 6:5-10

    19/04/2021 Duración: 44min

    Jesus' Disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, after observing His unique, deep, and intimate connection with God. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us how not to pray first, before giving us a template for approaching God. Jesus gives greater emphasis to how and to whom we pray, before even getting around to what we should pray for. We learn that prayer is more about concentrating on who God is and who we are in Him than it is bringing our works or wishes to Him. At the heart of prayer is an act of surrender. We come before Him seeking His Will and His Kingdom. Only in surrender will we ever obtain the freedom available to us in Christ.

  • Telos: Graves Into Gardens - John 19:30-42 (Easter 2021)

    06/04/2021 Duración: 37min

    If you've ever wondered if you can really trust God, Easter above all else, answers this question. Easter gives us multiple reasons as to why God is unquestionably trustworthy. Though we weren't owed anything, Jesus has demonstrated God's grace towards us. In His sacrifice, He was judged FOR us, In His death, He experienced separation WITH us. In His Resurrection, we can receive victory THROUGH Him. We can reap the promise and power of Resurrection Life because of His death and resurrection. No matter our sin, sorrows, or sufferings, we can find help and hope because Christ endured the worst and came out victorious.

  • Good Friday 2021 - "Our Ransom"

    03/04/2021 Duración: 31min

    Promised and previewed long before, Good Friday provides the exclusive remedy for our sin. One cup was removed, and another was put in its place. What God supplied on the Cross can be applied to every heart that trusts in Christ. Enjoy this message about the Cross and a song about God's faithfulness ever since.

  • Footsteps: Cornerstone - Mark 12:10-11

    01/04/2021 Duración: 35min

    Before Jesus would die on the Cross, He spent a few days with the Religious Leaders of Israel drawing a line in the sand. His actions in the Temple and conversations with its officials made it clear that Jesus came to end Religion and start something brand new. Monday through Wednesday of Passion Week highlights and contrasts the difference between Judaism (and all Religion) and Christianity. Mark 11 - 14 gives us a clear view of the failing Temple establishment and the rising Church community. In this message, we witness the Religious Leaders and even Jesus' disciples miss the point of Jesus' message and ministry, while we get a powerful look at four relatively unknown figures who got it absolutely right.

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