Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Footsteps: Triumphal Entry - Mark 11:1-11

    31/03/2021 Duración: 36min

    The Triumphal entry is rightly known for attributing glory and honor to Jesus, but it should also be remembered for what it offers to us. In Jesus' choice of the cross instead of a throne, He opens the door for us to find victory over sin and death. In His death and resurrection, He would initiate a greater kingdom, and all are invited to enter in. One day, a greater Triumphal Entry will take place, and Jesus will return to do what many expected Him to do in His first coming. In faith, we can look forward to this coming day with hope and confidence. Our triumph now is certain, and our victory to come is even more glorious.

  • Telos: Heirs of God - John 1

    31/03/2021 Duración: 40min

    Why did God become a man? If everything that ever has or ever will transpire is ultimately for God's Glory, then one would think that Palm Sunday answers this question. Of course God in flesh would come to rule and reign as King. However, Jesus' deference to the opportunity put before Him that day, shows that God's plans are so much purer and higher than ours. Yes, Jesus would be adorned with robe and crown later that week, but He would ascend to a cross not a throne. It was through this work, that Jesus would reveal God's loving heart to us. Jesus' entire ministry was all about revealing God as our Father, and making a way for us to live as His children. In this message, we talk about what it means to know God as Father, and to be restored to His image. Marvel with us as we consider what it means to be heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.

  • Footsteps: Great Expectations - Mark 10

    25/03/2021 Duración: 41min

    Throughout Jesus' three year ministry, it became clear that He indeed was from God. He demonstrated His power over the fallen world, and exerted His authority over the false hopes of the world. Many began to believe that He was the long awaited Messiah. His followers were convinced that the Messiah would set up an earthly kingdom that would bring them power and prosperity. When Jesus began His journey towards Jerusalem, they believed that this Kingdom was at hand... Along the way, Jesus' actions and sermons made His closest followers a bit uncomfortable. He began challenging their expectations about why He came and for what reason He was going to Jerusalem. Finally, Jesus decides to address His disciples, clarifying His purpose and correcting their motives. He was absolutely building a Kingdom. He was absolutely establishing a brand new Way of life for the world. However, this would not go how they expected it. Jesus came for something greater, and in Mark 10 He redefines what it means to be Great in the K

  • Telos: Patient Faith - Job 1

    23/03/2021 Duración: 49min

    As we continue to ask, "Why?", this week we consider the subject of suffering, trials and hardships. In one of the earliest narratives of the Bible, Job reveals to us a perspective on suffering that remains the most inspired and insightful. All of the New Testament teachings use Job's beliefs and experience as the basis for how we should understand suffering. Job believed that God was using his trial for something yet unseen. He had a patient faith in God's plan, in the end of his story. In this message, we talk about God's sovereignty over our trials and His goodness throughout them. We learn that God does indeed have a Redemptive Purpose for all suffering. Until He chooses to remove the pain, He plans to use it. Ultimately, this will be for our good and for His glory.

  • The Church: Set Fee - Acts 9

    23/03/2021 Duración: 42min

    Acts features no shortage of miracles, from the Holy Spirt breaking language barriers to disabled people being healed to prison walls falling down. However, the greatest miracle may very well take place in Acts 9. Luke introduces us to Saul of Tarsus as the one spearheading the persecution against the Church. In Acts 9, we see that he isn't about to allow the Church to regain momentum as it spreads beyond Judea. He is determined to follow the growth and put an end to the movement. Saul embodies the heart within every human, deceived by sin and dominated by a sinful nature. His only desire was to destroy the Church, out of what he thought was a service to God. He proved himself depraved at heart, worthy of condemnation. But God had other plans for Saul of Tarsus... We see what happens when the Light of Heaven shines on even the darkest heart. We see how even the greatest obstacle, the human will, can be overcome by the power of the Gospel. In this message, we have a theological conversation about just

  • The Church: Beyond Boundaries - Acts 8:26-40

    15/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    The Church in Acts has entered a new phase, becoming boundless and working towards a global stage. From Acts chapter 8 to 12, we see the Gospel impact people from all corners of the earth, showing the true power of the Gospel. Featured in Acts 8:26-40 is an Ethiopian Eunuch, who came to Jerusalem searching for hope but left disappointed. Thanks to Philip's readiness and faithfulness, the Eunuch receives Good News in the most unexpected of places. The Eunuch had been told he had no place in the family of God, that he would forever be separated. Ultimately, God's grace would find him and change everything.

  • Telos: For the World - Ephesians 2:13-22

    15/03/2021 Duración: 48min

    Why did God make us? As in, all of us. We believe we are each made for His glory, but are our lives meant to intersect? Currently there are some 7 billion humans on the planet, inhabiting nearly 200 nations, belonging to one of several hundred ethnic groups. The Bible teaches that all of us were made in God's image. Together we paint the full picture of God. His desire is that we all love Him, know Him and follow Him. This may sound impossible, but we can all make Him known. His commandment over us is that we validate and authenticate our love for Him by loving one another. The drift of humanity is to love only those near us or those like us. Our world today is more tribal and divided than ever, especially pertaining to race and ethnicity. Jesus Christ died to destroy this barrier, to cover us in His blood and make us one blood. Everyone is invited, and God's call over us is that we seek to be unity, cooperation and harmony with one another - For their Souls and for His Glory.

  • Covenant: Out of Zion - Jeremiah 30

    11/03/2021 Duración: 38min

    Having been defeated and exiled, all seemed grim for the nation of Israel. However, Jeremiah 29-33 reveals that God is not done with Israel yet. The Old Covenant's inability to save has been proven, and a New and Better Covenant is promised. In Jeremiah 30, we hear how important the nation of Israel has been to God's plan to redeem and restore Creation. Out of Zion, salvation has come. Out of Zion, the Kingdom of God will rise.

  • The Church: Availability - Acts 8:9-25

    09/03/2021 Duración: 41min

    Acts 8 is a pivot point for the Church. This is the moment the transition from local to global truly began. What began as a of safety-decision became a Gospel-decision. There would have been many temptations to remain in Jerusalem, but persecution forced them to remember their commission. The Disciples refused to let idols and idleness get in the way of Jesus and His mission. They remained available for God to use and work through. Their availability is contrasted in an encounter with one Simon of Samaria. Simon was a local magician, who was seeking to make his name great, hoping to capitalize on the power of God for his own gain. He assumes wrongly that the Disciples were working for their own fame. In this exchange, we are left with an impression of true discipleship and given an example to follow as we seek to serve the Lord.

  • Telos: Overflow - Genesis 1:1-3

    09/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    Welcome to our brand new, pre-Easter series that's centered around a question we've all asked at some point or another: “Why?” We’ve all asked this simple, yet broad question before. No matter to whom we may be directing the question, or even if we’re just asking it rhetorically, we’ve all questioned the reason and purpose for any given thing. As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign and is the Creator of life and all its details. We can rest assured that everything happens under His watch, but that doesn’t mean that we still don’t have questions. Filtering and funneling everything beneath God’s sovereign canopy does help produce a better question to ask though: Why did God create the world? More specifically, why did God create this world? Often times we ask “why” in exasperation and doubt that there is an attainable answer. However, the Bible gives us a pretty clear answer as to why God created this world. We often turn to Genesis 1 to learn "how" things came to be, but a deeper look at the text

  • The Church: Outbreak - Acts 8

    02/03/2021 Duración: 42min

    While it had faced it's share of hardships, the Church was on the cusp of local prominence and security by Acts 6. The leaders had shown boldness against opposition and it was becoming organized and engaged in local ministries. Yet, things change rather quickly with Stephen's arrest and martyrdom. The Church suddenly is facing an outbreak of state-sponsored persecution. The Disciples are forced to come to terms with their identity and mission in light of this conflict. The Great Commission drives them to maintain their witness, and scatters them beyond Jerusalem. Ultimately, persecution serves to fan the flames of their mission. However, the Church is driven to the margins of society. The ideas of remaining comfortable and prominent in Jerusalem are challenged by this trial. In this message we learn that that was actually God's sovereign intentions of the persecution they were facing. Here in the margins they would intersect with a greater and wider audience. They would take on a more sincere and more p

  • Loyal: The Rest of the Story - Ruth 3

    01/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    Ruth's story is ultimately all about finding a place in God's Story, about her coming to belong and being included in God's Family. From the beginning, there's a sense of unrest in the world, and Ruth particularly is longing to find rest. Of course, this is what our faith is all about. The Gospel's invitation isn't for us to find improvement, but rather resurrection in Christ. To find rest is to find life. In Ruth 3:18, Ruth receives a promise that her Redeemer is restlessly pursuing rest for her. This message is all about how our Restless Redeemer went to extravagant measures to find rest for us. The barriers that block us from rest, and the contrary paths we naturally take, all are a result of our fallen world and sinful nature. The Bible tells the story of how God restlessly worked to finish this work of redemption. Christ's work on the cross and resurrection from the grave promises us that rest is available for all who turn and trust in Him.

  • Covenant: While You Wait - Jeremiah 29

    01/03/2021 Duración: 43min

    Jeremiah 29 is one of the best known passages of the Bible, containing one of the most quoted promises from God. Most of us don't realize that that promise is a follow-up to a very important commandment from God. Jeremiah writes to his brothers and sisters in exile with a message of hope and purpose. In this text, we hear God's instructions for the Jews in Babylon and are reminded that their lives are far from over. While they wait to return to their homeland, they are commanded to seek to serve and honor God in exile. Jeremiah 29:11 is their incentive and is to be their ambition while they wait. In this message, we discover that it shares a similar role in our faith.

  • The Church: Breakout - Acts 7

    24/02/2021 Duración: 44min

    A few chapters into Acts, the Church was going strong. It had established itself in Jerusalem as a force for good and began making an impact beyond the Jewish people. This was a pivotal moment in history, as Jesus had destined the Church to grow beyond Judea. In many ways, the Jewish opposition that came against Stephen is much larger than just Judaism's critique on Christianity. It speaks of the tendency of religion to become static and remain still. Of course, the Jewish leaders had no interest in reaching the world with their faith. The enemy was hoping the Church would pass on this initiative as well. This is what makes Stephen's message so profound, as he traces the Christian faith back to Abraham, and remarks that God had always intended on building a global community and dwelling in the hearts of His people. Stephen draws a line in the sand, that Christianity would be different than Judaism (and every religion for that matter). He was building a movement that would always be in motion. The Jewish

  • Loyal: One Of A Kind - Ruth 2

    23/02/2021 Duración: 46min

    The Gospel is on display and detailed in every book of the Bible, but Ruth 2's presentation is especially rich. Ruth came into the land of Israel having heard about the Jewish God, hoping to experience His goodness. However, she never could've expected the favor that was about to be poured out for her. She meets a one of a kind man, who unbeknownst to her, has the ability to redeem her story for an incredible purpose. Boaz shows Ruth a brand of kindness that is beyond measure, that leaves her speechless again and again. This of course, is a picture of God's Kindness towards us all, and the love He has demonstrated for us through Christ. He purposely lays handfuls of grace before us day after day. His intention is to get our attention and to capture our affection, so that we would put our total trust in Him.

  • Loyal: Plan R - Ruth 1

    16/02/2021 Duración: 46min

    Ruth is the culmination of so many previous storylines of the Bible. The sin of Sodom, the tragedy of Lot, the thorn of Moab, and years of stumbling out of God's Will, all come together in a surprising and remarkable way. As the Judges' Era crashes and burns, Israel believed it was on the brink of suffering God's judgment. Many began leaving the land, accepting that Israel's days of favor were long gone. No one could have saw the next chapter of this story coming... God had another plan in the works. It would redeem some of Israel's past failures and chart a brand new course of hope and possibility. That plan began with the most unlikely of people. However, history confirms that Ruth did indeed change the world.

  • Covenant: Take This Cup - Jeremiah 25

    11/02/2021 Duración: 43min

    God's Covenant with Judah was set to expire, due to their unfaithfulness. Turns out, this wasn't just a recent issue, but one that had been festering for nearly 500 years. God was about to place His people in timeout for a season, but He used this opportunity to send a more serious to the whole world. God showed Jeremiah a cup. This cup was overflowing with wine, symbolizing God's wrath due to all sin. God's wrath burned against sin's curse against humanity and damage being done to and through humanity. Humanity deserved judgement, yet God's mercy persisted. God desired better for us, yet our sin persisted. Sin had to be atoned for. Only God’s righteous wrath could properly judge and eliminate sin. But if every sinner was made to drink the cup shown to Jeremiah, there would be no human left standing. Enter Jesus Christ. He preached that both salvation and judgement were imminent. One night as Jesus prayed, He heard Jeremiah 25:15 echo through time, "Take this cup of wine of wrath, and drink it... drink a

  • The Transformed Life - Romans 12

    09/02/2021 Duración: 44min

    Romans 12 is one of the most important passages of Scripture for a Christian to read, learn and apply to their lives. It invites every unique, fearfully and wonderfully made individual to see their place in the much larger Kingdom of God. Through this text, we are invited to find our way back to where God always intended us to be. We’re reminded that we are made in the image of God and that we dwell amidst a world of other image bearers. To transform the world, the Christian’s job is to imitate Christ, having been transformed by Him ourselves. Christ sought to change the world by loving the world to the point of self-sacrifice. Are we willing to do the same? Romans 12:9-21 are not options for us. They are commandments. We are confronted with unavoidable questions in this text: How driven by God’s love are you? Do you seek to outdo others in showing honor? Do you bless those who curse you? Are you willing to walk in someone else’s shoes, in order to help raise them up? Do you respond to evil with good, and o

  • The Church: Unshakeable - Acts 5:27-42

    09/02/2021 Duración: 40min

    As they stood trial for their witness for and commitment to Jesus Christ, the Disciples exhibited remarkable faith in God. When threatened, they put all of their trust in Him. We marvel at this, but in hindsight it should come as no surprise that they were so confident. After all, Jesus had promised them that God was unstoppable, their hope was unbreakable, and that His Church was unshakeable. For this reason, they truly believed that they could not lose. God was with them, so who could be against them? Death could not stop Jesus. It would not stop them. They were not afraid, ashamed or too proud to bear their crosses , if and when their suffering was God's choice means of demonstrating His power. They knew that Resurrection was always God's next move. No matter the shame, with no fear of the pain, they were confident that God was working some Kingdom gain.

  • God Who?: Yahweh Nissi - Exodus 5

    03/02/2021 Duración: 41min

    "Let My People Go!" This has been God's Word to this world on our behalf for generations. This world reduces us down to categories and labels, and enslaves us to its ideas and standards. It takes our texture away - our God-given depth and individuality. God wants us to understand that in Him we can find our true identity and find a better belonging. When the Hebrews came out of Egypt, Moses taught them a new name for God: Yahweh Nissi - "The LORD is My Banner". God is our flag and our brand. In Him, we ascend to a higher and purer dwelling place. What defines you? Where do you find your meaning? How do you fight your battles? If God is your banner and brand, then you will find a security and strength that this world simply cannot give.

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