Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • Beyond The Phenomenal World Is God Space

    20/12/2018 Duración: 18min

    After watching a movie in which the main character of the movie was given the ability to use the full capacity of his brain, a contemplation is inspired and Sri Mooji begins to speak about phenomenality and nominality. In this particular movie, all of the energy is directed towards gaining things and experiences in which the ego imagines to be valuable — all phenomenal. Sri Mooji says that why it can seem to be difficult to recognise the nominal, which is our Self, is because so much of our energy throughout life is directed towards the mind and senses and what is perceived or experienced through them. Through contemplation and reflection, gradually a space opens up and the nominal can be recognised. "The most direct way to find out who you are is to look in a mirror — but you have to look in the right mirror. If you look in a mirror and you don't understand how to interpret, you don't understand what you are seeing, because you don't understand who you are — the one who is looking in the mirror. Then, wh

  • The Bite of the Satsang Lion

    20/12/2018 Duración: 58min

    "Being dropkicked by God, you don't know anything at all. You are just a mess. It is the best that's going to happen to you because you cannot contain yourself and at the same time be free. Don't curse God for this burning; thank God for this burning, because what it takes from you it will replace with something immeasurable. It's your good fortune. Everything you accomplish as a human being is momentary, perishable. You come in this world with nothing, you leave with nothing. You can peruse many things and die without knowing who you are but if you know who you are you can never die." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Guided Meditation - Nothing Here But You

    20/12/2018 Duración: 19min

    This guided meditation is part of an Audio CD called "A Guided Meditation with Mooji: Nothing Here But You". It is featured on YouTube in a two-part series: Guided Meditation Part 1 and Guided Meditation Part 2. Recorded in Port Chester, NY, September 2009

  • The Answer Is in the Question

    20/12/2018 Duración: 39min

    "What exists does not know it exists. It has to create a knower of its existence. Without the dynamic consciousness the Absolute cannot be known. But the knower of the Absolute does not exist absolutely. This kind of knowledge can only take you into space and leave you as space. Don’t ask arbitrary and domestic questions. You must find the question that is going to put an end to you." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • This Is Auspiciousness

    20/12/2018 Duración: 29min

    "You are already living in a state of grace because you have an attraction for Truth, for the Ultimate. This is not merely a conceptual attraction but a living attraction that comes from inside and that is going to burn everything that is not you. This is auspiciousness." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Look With The Eyes Of God

    20/12/2018 Duración: 12min

    In this spontaneous talk, which was recorded in a taxi on the way to the airport, after the car broke down, Mooji reminds us to not immediately think the worst when something unexpected, apparently bad happens but to see God's presence and love in it. Everything is part of the bigger picture, of your destiny if you like to see it this way. Don't complain, say thank you to God, ‘Thank you, your eyes are greater than mine.’ A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal

  • Cleaning Your Inner Space

    20/12/2018 Duración: 11min

    "When you have recognised your true nature, the person can be left in its very superficial role. The reflex and surface interactions can appear to be personal but they don't carry any smell. Everything becomes clean if your 'I' is consciousness." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Don't Miss the Cave of the Heart

    20/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    In this beautiful talk Mooji speaks about the importance of questioning the 'I' and of overcoming all resistance to enquiry, and the importance of actually employing the enquiry if for no other reason than because your teacher tells you to do so. "If you keep looking you will find that you are always in the same position, which is the ultimate position. The truth is always here but you are too complex and too distracted to see it. So you will have to walk all over the universe to come back to find it right under your nose. This is the paradox of existence. It is always you, it has always been you but you think it is something else. It is you but it is not the you that you would like to be or that you think you are, it is the true You." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Let These Questions Undo You

    20/12/2018 Duración: 59min

    The power of Satsang is to remove you — to remove the you which is unstable; the idea of Self... to move it out of the seat of Being. The beauty of this Satsang is in the questions that very strongly point us back to our own Self. Does the knower of the body have to be in the body to know the body? Without the body, who are we? Where are you? Mooji says, "Say to these questions, 'Please, go to the place where you are meant to go in me, and undo me there.' These questions are far more important than the answers. Invite and give space to these questions to open up their own mystery. Unless you invite and respect these questions, the answers will only be mental for you. Show gratitude for the questions themselves and they will illumine the mind." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Learn To Say Thank You

    20/12/2018 Duración: 38min

    "For a human being appreciation is a very powerful thing, because it is part of the way in which the consciousness refines itself and becomes more humble, more pliable and more receptive. At first you may not think that you have anything to say thank you for but as you start you will slowly begin to feel an immense gratitude for even the sense of being, for life, for existence. Thank you is the greatest mantra." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • The Joy and Freedom of Being (Part 3)

    10/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    The conclusions of this talk, which is much more than an interview. It is a beautiful Satsang. An interview recorded by Here Now TV; This interview is presented in 3-parts. 1 April 2010

  • The Joy and Freedom of Being (Part 2)

    10/12/2018 Duración: 25min

    What we must be clear about is to find out, "Do thoughts have independent power?" Because if they have independent power, then all of us would suffer from the same thought. Some thought means nothing to me, but would send you to hospital! So it is not in the thought itself, but in the amount of belief that is invested in that thought. An interview recorded by Here Now TV; This interview is presented in 3-parts. 1 April 2010

  • The Joy and Freedom of Being (Part 1)

    10/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    What is aware of the obscuring of truth? Can that which is observing be recognized? The questioner asks penetrating and salient questions, making this a particularly lively interview. An interview recorded by Here Now TV; This interview is presented in 3-parts. 1 April 2010

  • Advaita And Neo-Advaita Pros And Cons

    10/12/2018 Duración: 21min

    Mooji points out the pros and cons of two paths: Neo-Advaita and traditional Advaita. Neo-Advaita says, "There is nothing to do and nothing to practice because you are already This." Mooji says that this is true when you realize the Self, but not before. In Neo-Advaita, the intellectual understanding is taken to be the realization of the Self, but it is not. However, what the Neo-Advaitists are saying still brings a refreshing change to the traditional Advaitists scene, who tend to take themselves too seriously, work hard and often miss the point. Mooji says that both views are misunderstandings and somewhere between both is truth. A Jnana yogi who goes deeply into the understanding will find that their heart begins to open. A Bhakta yogi who goes deeper into surrender comes into wisdom. A Karma yogi comes into a wisdom naturally, and where there is wisdom, there is love. In genuine discovery, one's heart and mind embraces the whole universe. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 4 April 2013

  • The Author Of Existence

    10/12/2018 Duración: 54min

    "Be in the spirit of Truth and any words you speak are in alignment with that spirit." ~ Mooji Asked about the importance of spiritual education and training for children, Mooji reminds us that the human being is an expression of consciousness and not the controller of consciousness. If the incentive for change is not coming from an awakened heart, it is just another way to keep our projections going. No one can help the world if he does not have peace and love inside his own heart. Our highest purpose is to know who we are! A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 27 December 2012

  • Only Here I Want To Be

    10/12/2018 Duración: 51min

    In this beautiful talk Mooji explains the workings of the mind and the power of being empty. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 11 November 2013

  • You Are Very Well Without You

    10/12/2018 Duración: 27min

    "When the power of Grace is felt, the person with its problems and its desires is not there. That's why everything feels so perfect; that's why you feel so happy and peaceful. You are very well without you." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 20 November 2013

  • Become Empty

    10/12/2018 Duración: 45min

    "Truth is not sealed inside words or concepts. You cannot understand this world; you cannot understand yourself in that way. Not conceptually. You cannot figure out anything. The trouble is, you think you can. When the mind, the identity is again united into the Self there is spontaneous knowledge, intuitive knowledge which is not in any textbook. It's just a kind of knowingness, an understanding, a wisdom, an intuition, a sensing that doesn't really require words. It is enough. For real understanding you need to become empty. Only the one who is not containing anything at all is fresh." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 3 September 2012

  • Even Your Breath Is Love

    10/12/2018 Duración: 41min

    "The body eats raw food - food that can decay, just like the body decays. The mind eats thought, emotion. The spirit eats bliss, contemplation. The supreme does not eat; It cannot be eaten. You have to be a bit crazy to resonate with Truth, meaning to not set borders for yourself. What a paradox that you have got to give everything up to find everything." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 30 December 2012

  • Kissed From Within

    10/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    "There has to be something in life that makes you throw everything away for it, something that gives you the incentive and the motive to leave behind your history." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 16 April 2014

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