Gluten Free Rn

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 36:11:11
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Gluten Free RN, Nadine Grzeskowiak RN BSN CEN, talks about every aspect of a gluten free lifestyle, diet, Paleo Lifestyle and all related issues.


  • Addiction Issues, Celiac Disease and Gluten EP034

    28/07/2017 Duración: 28min

    Few things are as painful as losing a loved one to an overdose. Addiction is such a powerful demon, and most of us have friends or family who are facing it right now. It is easy to feel helpless, believing that there is little you can do to ease their pain. But what if a diet change could resolve the physical and psychological pain at the root of the dependency? You might be surprised to learn that gluten binds with the opioid receptors in the brain, functioning as a ‘gateway drug’ to other addictions. Today the Gluten Free RN shares her experiences with addiction and overdose during her 17-year career in the ER, explaining how she made the connection between undiagnosed celiac disease and addiction issues. She discusses the US opioid epidemic and how a mass screening for celiac disease could prevent such widespread substance abuse. Listen as she describes the morphine-like effects of gluten on your brain, the role of the microbiome in dictating cravings, and why gluten may be at the root of the pain that lea

  • 21 Important Facts About Celiac Disease EP033

    21/07/2017 Duración: 28min

    There are a number of misconceptions about celiac disease, even within the medical community! Despite a growing body of research to the contrary, many practitioners still believe celiac disease to be strictly a gastrointestinal issue with a just a few tell-tale symptoms. It’s time to get the facts, and today the Gluten Free RN shares 21 important truths about celiac disease that you need to know.  Nadine shares her take on the list compiled by Gluten Free Works, covering the truth about who is at risk, the wide variety of neurological symptoms a celiac patient might present, and the components of an optimal treatment plan. As the most common genetic autoimmune disease in the world, it is incredibly important that we understand how gluten exposure can damage the intestines and cause debilitating nutrient deficiencies.  Nadine also explains why celiac disease often goes undiagnosed and how an astute practitioner is able to accurately interpret biopsies, antibody screenings and lab work. Get familiar with these

  • Why a Gluten Challenge is NOT Recommended EP032

    14/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    You don’t have to prove to anyone that you have celiac disease proper. Because food functions as both medicine and poison, it is important to have all the facts before you get talked into a gluten challenge … and the fact is, going back on gluten after you have adopted a gluten-free diet will cause organ damage. The Gluten Free RN speaks to the motivation behind doing a gluten challenge, the consequences for celiac and gluten sensitive patients, and her work as a patient advocate to discourage people from being talked into a gluten challenge. She offers a detailed risk versus reward analysis of braving a gluten challenge, explaining how the maintenance of a gluten-free diet prevents the development of celiac disease and other autoimmune disorders. Nadine also covers the unreliable nature of celiac testing in the US, where the medical community lacks savvy in interpreting results, and explains why biopsy results are no longer considered the gold standard of celiac testing. Listen in to understand the recommend

  • Celiac Disease for Health Care Providers EP031

    07/07/2017 Duración: 48min

    Celiac disease is grossly underdiagnosed in the United States in large part because the medical community is operating on outdated information about the condition. And despite the recommendations of the National Institute of Health back in 2004, we have yet to implement a mass screening for celiac disease, and health care providers remain alarmingly uninformed. The Gluten Free RN is taking steps to remedy the situation by sharing the basics for medical professionals. Today she covers the WHO’s definition of celiac disease, how our understanding of the condition has change over time, and some common misconceptions about celiac disease. She also explains the top symptoms, recommended testing for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, and the neurological nature of the disorder. Listen in to learn what health care providers need to know about this undiagnosed epidemic, the complex web of health issues that may result from undiagnosed celiac disease, and why it is important to have a high index of suspicion and i

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Celiac Disease EP030

    30/06/2017 Duración: 26min

    Nobody wants bad bacteria, parasites, yeast or food particles hanging around their small intestine! There are a number of causes of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and undiagnosed celiac disease just happens to be one of them. The Gluten Free RN is prepared to discuss the complexity of health issues celiac patients must resolve after going on a gluten free diet, one of which may be SIBO. She shares the symptoms of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, how we test for SIBO, and potential treatments for the condition. Listen in to learn how foods and medication affect the microbiome and alter the environment of your intestines. What’s Discussed: The complexity of healing once a celiac patient goes gluten free Very rarely does diet change heal all associated disorders Other issues like SIBO must be treated once intestines heal The causes of irritable bowel syndrome Thought to be caused by stress Studies now show food poisoning may be trigger How food, drink and medication affect your intestin

  • Celiac Disease and Your Spleen EP029

    23/06/2017 Duración: 25min

    Did you know that the spleen plays a leading role in a properly functioning immune system? As the largest organ in your lymphatic system, the spleen spends its time fighting infection and keeping you healthy. Unfortunately, research points to a connection between disorders of the spleen and celiac disease. And if your immune system is already compromised because of gluten damage to your intestines, a spleen issue leaves you at heightened risk for a variety of infections and autoimmune diseases. Today the Gluten Free RN shares her personal connection to genetic spherocytosis and how spleen damage affected her family. She also covers several studies that document the correlation between spleen issues and celiac disease. Listen in to understand how your spleen functions, the symptoms of spleen disorder, and the autoimmune diseases you may develop if your spleen is damaged or removed. What’s Discussed: How your spleen works to keep you healthy Filters used/damaged red blood cells Harvests iron to recycle Produc

  • The Relationship Between the Respiratory System and Celiac Disease EP028

    16/06/2017 Duración: 19min

    The average human takes between 14 and 20 breaths per minute. But if you are conscious of those breaths, that’s a problem. Perhaps you’re experiencing chest tightness, clogged sinuses or a nagging cough that make you very aware of every breath you take. If so, the ingestion of gluten may be a contributing factor to these respiratory issues. Today Nadine explores the relationship between the lungs and celiac disease, offering anecdotal evidence as well as explaining the way that inflammation can lead to a number of respiratory problems. Because 70-90% of your immune system is housed in your intestines, it is no surprise that a leaky gut could make you more vulnerable to respiratory tract infections. Despite the fact that current literature considers respiratory challenges to be an atypical presentation of celiac disease, the Gluten Free RN argues that there is enough anecdotal evidence to merit further study. Listen in to understand the vitamin deficiencies that likely contribute to respiratory issues, how tho

  • Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease EP027

    09/06/2017 Duración: 31min

    Struggling to maintain control of your blood sugar? A gluten-free diet may be the answer! If you have one autoimmune disorder, you have a 30-50% greater risk of developing another, and both type 1 diabetes and celiac disease fall into that category. As more and more research points to an enormous overlap between type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, it is in our best interests to mitigate additional risk by getting screened and/or adopting a gluten-free or Paleo diet to mitigate further risk. Today Nadine discusses the prevalence of diabetes, several research studies that explore the connection between type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, and the potential risks for type 1 diabetics who are undiagnosed celiac patients. Listen and learn how your diet may be affecting your blood sugar and why going gluten-free could improve your health and quality of life! What’s Discussed:  The prevalence of diabetes By 2050, half the population will have diabetes According to CDC, 29.1 million have diabetes One out of four don

  • Celiac Disease and the Media EP026

    02/06/2017 Duración: 38min

    The gluten-free movement is often dismissed in the media as a fad. Even so-called experts actively discredit the gluten-free diet and apply a negative connotation to terms like PWAG. Have you ever wondered why there is so much misinformation about celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity in the media? And who sponsors the coverage that dissuades people from going gluten-free?  Today, Nadine explains how the big business of wheat affects which voices we hear in media treatment of the gluten-free movement. In addition, she covers how the for-profit healthcare system in the US affects the timely diagnosis of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.  Celiac disease is a medical, social and economic issue with political implications. Listen and learn how to choose high quality, nutrient dense foods, and leverage your power as a gluten-free consumer! What’s Discussed:  Misinformation in the media Some coverage dissuades from adopting a gluten-free diet Program/print sponsors may be corporations t

  • Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Celiac Disease EP025

    26/05/2017 Duración: 23min

    We typically associate liver disease with alcoholism. But the liver functions as a filter, and over time it can be damaged by certain pharmaceuticals and even food. In fact, research suggests a strong correlation between undiagnosed celiac disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The Gluten Free RN shares a number of case studies in which a diet change reversed liver damage and prevented the need for an organ transplant. She also takes us through the alarming statistics regarding NASH in children and discusses her approach to treating NASH patients.  Listen to understand the obesity trends in the US and how a sedentary lifestyle plays a part in liver disease. Join Nadine’s campaign to educate the population about the benefits of a gluten- and dairy-free, whole food diet – and prevent NASH! What’s Discussed:  Nadine’s introduction to NASH in children Videoconference of pediatricians Discovered NASH on autopsies Few had signs/symptoms The fundamentals of NASH Liver failure caused by changing enviro

  • The Impact of Undiagnosed Celiac Disease on Fetal Development and Maternal Health EP024

    19/05/2017 Duración: 26min

    ‘With our technology, every time a woman dies, it’s a medical error.’  Recent reports have uncovered some alarming statistics regarding maternal mortality rates in the United States. While these numbers are on the decline in every other developed nation, pregnant women in the US are at greater risk of dying than they were in recent years. We know that undiagnosed celiac disease has a significant impact on maternal health and fetal development, and we must identify expectant mothers (and fathers) who have the potential to reap remarkable benefits from a simple diet change. This issue is especially important to the Gluten Free RN as a mother herself – as well as an emergency ER nurse certified in PALS, NLS and pediatric emergency nursing. She shares the stories of women who had difficulty getting pregnant or maintaining pregnancies as a result of undiagnosed celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, and explains how a mass screening could work to prevent such intense suffering. Listen to learn how adopting a glute

  • Cardiac Issues Associated with Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance EP023

    12/05/2017 Duración: 24min

    Given the choice between a heart transplant and a gluten-free diet, the vast majority – if not all – of us would quickly opt for the diet! Yet the medical community continues to ignore celiac disease as a potential cause of cardiac complications, despite documented connections between the two conditions. The Gluten Free RN is sharing her experience with heart attack and stroke victims in the ER, and discussing the necessity of screening cardiac patients for celiac disease. She gets into the nitty gritty of how intestinal damage leads to nutrient deficiencies that affect the cardiac system, and reveals the cardiac symptoms that may resolve on a gluten-free diet. Listen in and learn about the actual cause of heart attack and stroke (spoiler alert – it’s not high cholesterol) and how Nadine has achieved a lipid panel akin to that of a ‘23-year-old marathon runner’! What’s Discussed:  The connection between cardiac issues and celiac disease Study linked celiac disease to almost doubled risk of CAD Documented co

  • The Connection Between Undiagnosed Celiac Disease and Sleep Disorders EP022

    05/05/2017 Duración: 27min

    We all know how it feels to struggle through the day when you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Your brain feels fuzzy, it’s tough to focus, and you simply aren’t the best version of yourself! The good news is, there may be a simple explanation for your sleep disorder – and there are steps you can take to eliminate the potential celiac symptoms that are keeping you up at night. Today the Gluten Free RN shares her struggle with sleep deprivation as an undiagnosed celiac patient who also worked the night shift in the ER. Find out how she leveraged a Paleo diet and went from having a contentious relationship with sleep to becoming a champion ‘Olympic Sleeper’ who enjoys at least eight hours of rest every night! She also covers the components of an ideal sleep space, suggestions for implementing an evening routine, and the benefits of a good night’s rest. Listen and learn about the connection between sleep disorders and undiagnosed celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. What’s Discussed:  Nadine

  • The Potential Connection Between Parkinson’s and Celiac Disease EP021

    28/04/2017 Duración: 26min

    A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is devastating, and the associated symptoms – difficulty walking, tremors, memory issues – are debilitating. But what if those symptoms aren’t necessarily indicative of Parkinson’s after all? What if a simple diet change could improve or even eliminate those symptoms?  Today Nadine explores anecdotal evidence suggesting that the symptoms of Parkinson’s and other demyelination syndromes might be actually be caused by celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. She argues that as Parkinson’s diagnoses become more and more common, it is imperative that we explore the potential connection between Parkinson’s and celiac disease.  Listen in to understand how gluten can affect the neurological system, why Parkinson’s patients should be tested for celiac disease, and how a gluten-free diet can heal neurological damage.  What’s Discussed:  Nadine’s Parkinson’s patient Diagnosed with celiac disease as a child in the 1940’s Recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Symptoms included d

  • Weight Loss and Weight Gain Associated with Celiac Disease EP020

    21/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    Forget everything you thought you knew about obesity. 68% of the population of the US is overweight, and we know that there are a number of health risks associated with the issue. But did you know that people are overweight because their bodies are actually starving?  Today the Gluten Free RN is challenging your assumptions about weight gain and celiac disease, revealing the surprising way your body compensates for malnourishment, the necessity of fat in nutrient absorption, and the healing power of a whole food gluten-free diet. Listen and learn why more people are overweight when diagnosed with celiac disease than underweight, more have constipation than diarrhea, and more have neurological disorders than gastrointestinal issues. Nadine is prepared to shake up your idea of what it means to have celiac disease and offer guidance regarding the food we should be eating in order to heal, and lose – or gain – weight in the process! What’s Discussed:  The classic symptoms of celiac disease Used to be identified

  • Legal Issues Surrounding Celiac Disease EP019

    14/04/2017 Duración: 29min

    In Italy, it takes only two to three weeks to get diagnosed with celiac disease. In the United States, however, it typically takes nine to 15 years. Why is there such a huge discrepancy? And what are the legal ramifications for practitioners who overlook celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, causing patients unnecessary pain and suffering?  On this episode, Nadine explores the legal issues surrounding celiac disease as well as the potential reasons for delayed diagnosis in the US. She also explains the differences between universal healthcare and the for-profit system and how each appears to influence celiac diagnosis.  Listen and learn what medical practitioners need to know about celiac disease and gluten sensitivity in order to avoid being sued for malpractice, the value of standardization in celiac testing and follow-up care, and how you can get involved in advocating for universal coverage. What’s Discussed:  How the US health insurance system works Usually purchased through employer Loss o

  • Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity in Down, Turner and Williams Syndrome EP018

    07/04/2017 Duración: 28min

    The medical community has an obligation to protect vulnerable populations, speaking up for any group that may not be able to advocate for themselves, and patients with Down, Turner, and Williams syndrome certainly fall into this category. Yet one facet of their health – one that could vastly improve quality of life – often goes overlooked. There is a high prevalence of celiac disease among individuals with Down, Turner, and Williams syndrome, and it is recommended that these patients get tested annually. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of celiac disease are attributed to the syndrome instead, and gluten sensitivity goes undiagnosed. Today Nadine shares several case studies as well as her own experience working with patients with developmental delays. She covers the high incidence of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity in Down, Turner, and Williams syndrome patients, the signs and symptoms of gluten damage, and the importance of annual screening in this population. What’s Discussed:  The preva

  • What in the World Do I Eat? EP017

    31/03/2017 Duración: 30min

    “Cheap food is an illusion. There is no such thing as cheap food. The real cost of the food is paid somewhere. And if it isn’t paid at the cash register, it’s charged to the environment or to the public purse in the form of subsidies. And it’s charged to your health.” –Michael Pollan Adopting a gluten-free lifestyle can be incredibly overwhelming, and many are resistant to the idea. Maybe you don’t want to give up the foods you love, or you don’t think you can do without pizza and beer. But the truth is that in order to heal, coping is your only option.  Nadine is here to tell you that going gluten-free is not as difficult as you think. In fact, if it’s hard – you’re doing it wrong! She recommends a number of healthy gluten-free and Paleo-friendly food options, explains how your taste buds will change as you rid your body of addictive proteins, and discusses how to approach your grocer to request gluten-free alternatives. It’s time to stop eating for convenience and begin eating to enjoy high-quality food!  

  • Celiac Disease Worldwide EP016

    24/03/2017 Duración: 25min

    Wherever there is wheat, there is susceptibility to celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Gluten is a growing global problem, exacerbated by the popularity of the western diet around the world. This issue has personal, social and political implications as it places a significant economic burden on individuals, communities, and even entire nations.  The Gluten Free RN brings us a ‘big picture’ perspective of the celiac and gluten sensitive population around the world, as we learn about how other countries support these individuals. She also covers the industries that have begun to recognize the power of the gluten free population as a consumer group.  Nadine will be doing some globe-trotting herself come September for the International Celiac Disease Symposium in New Delhi, and she is currently soliciting advice regarding where and how to eat safely during her travels in India and Thailand. Feel free to message her with recommendations!   What’s Discussed:  When and where wheat originated Fertile

  • Emergency Preparedness with Nutrient Dense Foods EP015

    17/03/2017 Duración: 31min

    It’s not a matter of if, but rather when you will encounter an emergency situation. And if you suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it is incredibly important that you are prepared with the appropriate supplies you will need to endure a hurricane, earthquake, blizzard, or other disaster.  Nadine teaches you how to stock your cupboards with nutrient dense foods should you need to shelter in place for an extended period of time. She also outlines other essentials you will need to stay alive and assist others who may need help!  What’s Discussed:  Nadine’s experience responding to Hurricane Katrina People were unprepared FEMA provided only cheap filler foods  Why it’s important to stock nutrient dense foods in case of emergency Alleviates stress Allows you to feed yourself for a period of time  Nadine’s list of nutrient dense foods to stock Protein bars Gelatin Jerky (without soy, teriyaki sauce) Canned tuna, sardines Canned chicken, turkey Protein powder Seaweed Nuts Pumpkin seed butter Choco

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