Novenas - Totus2us



21 Totus2us novenas are: 21) Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus with music by Fr Rob Galea (20) Novena for Peace, with extracts from St John Paul II's homily at Pentecost in England 1982 and Pope Francis's prayer in the Holy Land 19) Novena to Mary, Source of Joy for the Little Ones, with Pope Francis's exhortation on the joy of the Gospel 18) Novena to Mary, Mother of our faith, with Pope Francis's encyclical on faith 17) Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes with quotes from Pope John Paul II's letter, Salvifici Doloris, on the salvific meaning of suffering. 16) Novena to Mary Immaculate, Star of Hope - with quotes from Benedict XVI's encyclical on hope, Spe Salvi; music sung by Holy Redeemer choir. 15) Novena to Blessed John Paul II - with quotes from the homilies of Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI at JPII's funeral and beatification 14) Novena to St Padre Pio - with prayers to the Sacred Heart ; music by Edwin Fawcett 13) Novena to St Joseph - with quotes from Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos; music by Olen Cesari; 12) Novena for Europe (in preparation for the 30th annivesary of the reported apparitions in Medjugorje) - with quotes from Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation on the Church in Europe; Ave Marias sung by Anna Johnstone; 11) Ecclesia de Eucharistia - on John Paul II's encyclical, the Church of the Eucharist; music sung by the Holy Redeemer Choir. 10) Evangelium Vitae - on John Paul II's encyclical the Gospel of Life; Ave Marias sung by Anna Johnstone; 9) Redemptor Hominis - on John Paul II's encyclical on the Redeemer of Man; prayer from WYD 2002; music by Fr Stan Fortuna CFR 8) Fides et Ratio - on John Paul II's encyclical on Faith and Reason; prayer by St Thomas Aquinas; music by Benedict Nichols; 7) God is Love - the quotes and prayer are from Pope Benedict's encyclical Deus Caritas Est. Music by Benedict Nichols; 6) a novena to St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face (also known as St Teresa of Lisieux and 'the Little Flower') - music is by Edwin Fawcett; 5) a Novena to Our Lady - music by London Oratory School Schola. Quotes from John Paul II's encyclical on the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of the Pilgrim Church, Redemptoris Mater; prayer - Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; 4) a novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - music by Fr Stan Fortuna CFR; quotes - Angeluses by Pope John Paul II on the theme of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 3) a novena to the Holy Spirit - Veni Sancte Spiritus sung by the Poor Clare Sisters TMD; quotes - John Paul II's encyclical on the Holy Spirit, Dominum et Vivificantem. 2) the Divine Mercy Novena - music sung by the Holy Redeemer Choir; Jesus especially asked St Faustina to start this novena on Good Friday, 9 days before Divine Mercy Sunday; and 1) a novena in thanksgiving for the life of Pope John Paul II - Ave Marias sung by Anna Johnstone; this 1st novena was prompted by the providential gift of having John Paul II's 5th anniversary fall on Good Friday. For much more visit which is inspired by our holy fathers: Blessed John Paul II, Papa Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was JPII's motto to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus2us.


  • Novena to Blessed John Paul II –Day 5- Totus Tuus, Totus2us

    17/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 5, Novena to Bl John Paul II - Cardinal Ratzinger: "He interpreted for us the paschal mystery as a mystery of divine mercy. In his last book, he wrote: The limit imposed upon evil "is ultimately Divine Mercy" (Memory and Identity, pp. 60-61). And reflecting on the assassination attempt, he said: "In sacrificing himself for us all, Christ gave a new meaning to suffering, opening up a new dimension, a new order: the order of love ... It is this suffering which burns and consumes evil with the flame of love and draws forth even from sin a great flowering of good" (pp. 189-190). Impelled by this vision, the Pope suffered and loved in communion with Christ, and that is why the message of his suffering and his silence proved so eloquent and so fruitful." 'Blessed are you, beloved Pope John Paul II, because you believed! Continue, we implore you, to sustain from heaven the faith of God's people.' Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also e

  • Novena to Blessed John Paul II –Day 4- Totus Tuus, Totus2us

    16/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 4, Novena to Bl John Paul II - Cardinal Ratzinger, at JPII's funeral: "Follow me! Together with the command to feed his flock, Christ proclaimed to Peter that he would die a martyr’s death. With those words, which conclude and sum up the dialogue on love and on the mandate of the universal shepherd, the Lord recalls another dialogue, which took place during the Last Supper. There Jesus had said: "Where I am going, you cannot come." Peter said to him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus replied: "Where I am going, you cannot follow me now; but you will follow me afterward." (Jn 13:33,36). Jesus from the Supper went towards the Cross, went towards his resurrection – he entered into the paschal mystery; and Peter could not yet follow him. Now – after the resurrection – comes the time, comes this "afterward." By shepherding the flock of Christ, Peter enters into the paschal mystery, he goes towards the cross and the resurrection. The Lord says this in these words: "... when you were younger, you used to fasten

  • Novena to Blessed John Paul II –Day 3- Totus Tuus, Totus2us

    15/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 3, Novena to Bl John Paul II - Cardinal Ratzinger, at JPII's funeral: "Follow me! In October 1978 Cardinal Wojtyla once again heard the voice of the Lord. Once more there took place that dialogue with Peter reported in the Gospel of this Mass: "Simon, son of John, do you love me? Feed my sheep!" To the Lord’s question, "Karol, do you love me?," the Archbishop of Krakow answered from the depths of his heart: "Lord you know everything; you know that I love you." The love of Christ was the dominant force in the life of our beloved Holy Father. Anyone who ever saw him pray, who ever heard him preach, knows that. Thanks to his being profoundly rooted in Christ, he was able to bear a burden which transcends merely human abilities: that of being the shepherd of Christ’s flock, his universal Church. This is not the time to speak of the specific content of this rich pontificate. I would like only to read two passages of today’s liturgy which reflect central elements of his message. In the first reading, Saint Pete

  • Novena to Blessed John Paul II –Day 2- Totus Tuus, Totus2us

    14/10/2011 Duración: 10min

    Day 2, Novena to Bl John Paul II - Cardinal Ratzinger, at JPII's funeral: "Follow me! In July 1958 the young priest Karol Wojtyla began a new stage in his journey with the Lord and in the footsteps of the Lord. Karol had gone to the Masuri lakes for his usual vacation, along with a group of young people who loved canoeing. But he brought with him a letter inviting him to call on the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Wyszynski. He could guess the purpose of the meeting: he was to be appointed as the auxiliary Bishop of Kraków. Leaving the academic world, leaving this challenging engagement with young people, leaving the great intellectual endeavour of striving to understand and interpret the mystery of that creature which is man and of communicating to today’s world the Christian interpretation of our being – all this must have seemed to him like losing his very self, losing what had become the very human identity of this young priest. Follow me – Karol Wojtyla accepted the appointment, for he heard in the Church’s

  • Novena to Blessed John Paul II –Day 1- Totus Tuus, Totus2us

    13/10/2011 Duración: 10min

    Day 1, Novena to Bl John Paul II - Cardinal Ratzinger, at JPII's funeral: "Follow me – as a young student Karol Wojtyla was thrilled by literature, the theatre, and poetry. Working in a chemical plant, surrounded and threatened by the Nazi terror, he heard the voice of the Lord: Follow me! In this extraordinary setting he began to read books of philosophy and theology, and then entered the clandestine seminary established by Cardinal Sapieha. After the war he was able to complete his studies in the faculty of theology of the Jagiellonian University of Kraków. How often, in his letters to priests and in his autobiographical books has he spoken to us about his priesthood, to which he was ordained on 1 November 1946. In these texts he interprets his priesthood with particular reference to three sayings of the Lord. First: "You did not choose me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last" (Jn 15:16). The second saying is: "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 9- Totus2us

    22/09/2011 Duración: 09min

    Day 9, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Humble Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who loved the Roman Catholic Church, pray for us. May the Master send workers to the harvest and give them the strength and knowledge needed to be children of God. Pray that Our Holy Lady will unite Christian people everywhere, comforting all of them in one great house of the Lord, the lighthouse of our salvation in the storm of life ... just as a lighthouse is a beacon for safe return when there is a storm at sea." Padre Pio: "You must always keep yourself on the straight and narrow path in the Holy Catholic Church because she is the only Bride of Christ and can bring you peace. She alone possesses Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, who is the true Prince of Peace." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 8- Totus2us

    21/09/2011 Duración: 09min

    Day 8, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Pure Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you experienced great love for your spiritual children and have helped them by purchasing them for Christ with the giving of your blood. Please grant us, who have not met you personally, the opportunity to be considered your spiritual children. In this way, with your protection, guidance and strength, you will obtain for us a special blessing from God, so that we may meet Him on the day of our death at the gates of Heaven." Padre Pio: "It would be most fulfilling, if God would grant me just one wish (if it were possible); that He would say, “Enter Heaven!” This is my one true wish; “That God would take me to Heaven at the same time that the last of my children and the last of the people who submitted to my priestly care have entered." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 7- Totus2us

    20/09/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 7, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Blessed Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you have worked in 'God’s plan for salvation', by offering your sufferings to free sinners from the chains of the devil. We beg you to pray for us, so that unbelievers will be converted to the faith, that all sinners will repent in their hearts and that those with lukewarm hearts will find renewed enthusiasm for a Christian life. Finally, pray for all those who are faithful, so that they will persevere on their way to salvation." Padre Pio: "If the people of the world could only see the beauty of ones soul when it is in the grace of God, all sinners and unbelievers of this world would be instantly converted." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 6- Totus2us

    19/09/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 6, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Obedient Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you have loved the sick more than yourself, because you were able to see Jesus in them. You have performed many miracles by healing patients in the name of Jesus and thereby giving them peace of mind. We beg you to pray for us, so that sick patients, through the intercession of Mary, can be healed and their bodies restored so that they may benefit from the Holy Spirit and, therefore, thank and praise God forever." Padre Pio: "If I knew that a person was afflicted in his mind, body or soul, I would beg God to set him free of his affliction. I would gladly accept the transfer of his affliction to myself, so that he may be saved, and I would ask that he benefit from the fruits of these sufferings... if the Lord would allow me to do it." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 5- Totus2us

    18/09/2011 Duración: 09min

    Day 5, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Prudent Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you have had a great devotion for the souls in Purgatory for whom you have offered yourself as a victim to remit their punishments. Please pray for us and ask God to send us the same interest, compassion and love that you have for these souls. In this way, we will also contribute to reducing their suffering and, with our sacrifices and prayers, win for them their necessary indulgences." Padre Pio: "My God, I beg you; let me bear the punishments that have been prepared for sinners and the souls in Purgatory. Multiply these punishments for me, so that you may forgive and save the sinners and free their souls from purgatory." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 4- Totus2us

    17/09/2011 Duración: 08min

    Day 4, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Chaste Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you loved your Guardian Angel, who served you well as your guide and as a defender and messenger. The Angels brought the prayers of your spiritual children to you. We beg you to pray for us, so that we may learn to call on our Guardian Angel who is always ready to guide us to what is good and to avoid falling into sinful actions." Padre Pio: "Invoke your Guardian Angel, who will enlighten you and guide you. God has given him to you for your protection, therefore, you should use him accordingly." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 3- Totus2us

    16/09/2011 Duración: 07min

    Day 3, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Virtuous Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you love Our Holy Mother very much and have received daily graces and consolations from her. Please, we beg you to pray to the Holy Mother for us. Place in her hands the sorrow for our sins and our prayers of reparation, so that, as at Cana of Galilee, her Son says ‘yes’ to His Mother and our name may be written in the Book of Eternal Life." Padre Pio: "Mary has to be the star that illuminates your path and she will show you the secure way to go to the celestial Father. She will be an anchor to which you must cling in the hour of temptation." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 2- on Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - Totus2us

    15/09/2011 Duración: 07min

    Day 2, Novena to St Padre Pio: "St Pio of Pietrelcina, together with Our Lord Jesus Christ, you’ve been able to withstand the temptations of the devil. You suffered the beatings and the oppression of the demon of hell, who wanted to have you abandon your journey of holiness. We beg you to pray for us so that, with your help and the help of all of the Heavenly Kingdom, we will be able to find the strength to set sin aside and to persevere in our faith until the day of our death." Padre Pio: "Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the Devil. Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina –Day 1- on Feast of Exultation of the Cross - Totus2us

    14/09/2011 Duración: 07min

    Day 1, Novena to St Padre Pio: "Beloved St Pio of Pietrelcina, you have had the signs of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ on your body. You have carried this stigmata for everyone, enduring both the physical and mental sufferings that racked your soul and body in a continual sacrifice. We beg you to pray for us, so that we will be able to accept both the little and the larger crosses we too must bear during our life on earth and to offer these sufferings to God, assuring us a place with him in Eternal Life." Padre Pio: "It is to your advantage to commit yourself to the sufferings that Jesus will send to you. Jesus cannot tolerate seeing you afflicted and he will come to you and comfort you, blessing you with many graces for your soul." Music by Edwin Fawcett. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 9- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - on Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe - Totus2us

    14/08/2011 Duración: 09min

    Day 9, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "The Second Vatican Council made all of us sensitive once again to the "great things which God has done," and to that "economy of salvation" of which St. Joseph was a special minister. Commending ourselves, then, to the protection of him to whose custody God "entrusted his greatest and most precious treasures," let us at the same time learn from him how to be servants of the "economy of salvation." May St Joseph become for all of us an exceptional teacher in the service of Christ's saving mission, a mission which is the responsibility of each and every member of the Church." Music by Olen Cesari. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 8- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - Totus2us

    13/08/2011 Duración: 07min

    Day 8, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "Why should the "fatherly" love of Joseph not have had an influence upon the "filial" love of Jesus? And vice versa why should the "filial" love of Jesus not have had an influence upon the "fatherly" love of Joseph, thus leading to a further deepening of their unique relationship? Those souls most sensitive to the impulses of divine love have rightly seen in Joseph a brilliant example of the interior life. Furthermore, in Joseph, the apparent tension between the active and the contemplative life finds an ideal harmony that is only possible for those who possess the perfection of charity. Following St Augustine's well-known distinction between the love of the truth and the practical demands of love, we can say that Joseph experienced both love of the truth - that pure contemplative love of the divine Truth which radiated from the humanity of Christ - and the demands of love - that equally pure and selfless love requi

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 7- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - Totus2us

    12/08/2011 Duración: 05min

    Day 7, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "What is crucially important here is the sanctification of daily life, a sanctification which each person must acquire according to his or her own state, and one which can be promoted according to a model accessible to all people: "St. Joseph is the model of those humble ones that Christianity raises up to great destinies;...he is the proof that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ, there is no need of great things-it is enough to have the common, simple and human virtues, but they need to be true and authentic." Music by Olen Cesari. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 6- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - Totus2us

    11/08/2011 Duración: 14min

    Day 6, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "This bond of charity was the core of the Holy Family's life, first in the poverty of Bethlehem, then in their exile in Egypt, and later in the house of Nazareth. The Church deeply venerates this Family, and proposes it as the model of all families. Inserted directly in the mystery of the Incarnation, the Family of Nazareth has its own special mystery. And in this mystery, as in the Incarnation, one finds a true fatherhood: the human form of the family of the Son of God, a true human family, formed by the divine mystery. In this family, Joseph is the father: his fatherhood is not one that derives from begetting offspring; but neither is it an "apparent" or merely "substitute" fatherhood. Rather, it is one that fully shares in authentic human fatherhood and the mission of a father in the family. This is a consequence of the hypostatic union: humanity taken up into the unity of the Divine Person of the Word-Son, Jesus

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 5- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - Totus2us

    10/08/2011 Duración: 14min

    Day 5, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "From the time of the Annunciation, both Joseph and Mary found themselves, in a certain sense, at the heart of the mystery hidden for ages in the mind of God, a mystery which had taken on flesh: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (Jn 1:14). He dwelt among men, within the surroundings of the Holy Family of Nazareth - one of many families in this small town in Galilee, one of the many families of the land of Israel. There Jesus "grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him" (Lk 2:40). The Gospels summarize in a few words the long period of the "hidden" life, during which Jesus prepared himself for his messianic mission. Only one episode from this "hidden time" is described in the Gospel of Luke: the Passover in Jerusalem when Jesus was twelve years old. Together with Mary and Joseph, Jesus took part in the feast as a young pilgrim. "And when the feast was ended, as they were r

  • Novena to Saint Joseph –Day 4- John Paul II's Redemptoris Custos - Totus2us

    09/08/2011 Duración: 13min

    Day 4, Novena to St Joseph - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: "St Joseph was called by God to serve the person and mission of Jesus directly through the exercise of his fatherhood. It is precisely in this way that, as the Church's Liturgy teaches, he "cooperated in the fullness of time in the great mystery of salvation" and is truly a "minister of salvation." His fatherhood is expressed concretely "in his having made his life a service, a sacrifice to the mystery of the Incarnation and to the redemptive mission connected with it; in having used the legal authority which was his over the Holy Family in order to make a total gift of self, of his life and work; in having turned his human vocation to domestic love into a superhuman oblation of self, an oblation of his heart and all his abilities into love placed at the service of the Messiah growing up in his house."" Music by Olen Cesari. Visit for more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to

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