An Interview With Melissa Llarena



Welcome to “An Interview with Melissa Llarena” the podcast for executives who go after what they want with curiosity, creativity, and courage. Hi. I’m Melissa. I'm a career strategist. I want to help you shift YOUR focus from landing a job at a Fortune 500 company to finally figuring out how you can build YOUR own billion-dollar career. A billion-dollar career is one where you are in control of your destiny rather than one where an employer limits your career decisions. A career that let's you explore your potential -- fully.Sounds good? Then press play...


  • 197: Breaking Norms in Motherhood and Entrepreneurship with Bethany Silva

    26/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    Do you often experience mom guilt? What if you can't take the kids trick-or-treating? How can we redefine guilt? In this candid conversation between two NYC moms who are deep in the trenches, you'll discover what it truly takes to juggle it all and maintain your sanity as a working mom who adores her kids but also recognizes the importance of self-care. Be ready to reinvent motherhood and entrepreneurship and buckle up for a whirlwind chat with the phenomenal Bethany Braun Silva, a celebrated on-air parenting, entertainment, and lifestyle expert. As we juggle the challenges of raising kids and businesses, we dive into poignant discussions about Halloween guilt, how to maximize newfound mom capabilities, and the gems within Bethany's enlightening book, "Like a Mother: Banished Guilt, Blaze Your Trail and Break the Rules to Create a Life You Love". This episode is proudly sponsored by Fertile Imagination: A Guide For Harnessing Every Mom's Superpower For Maximum Impact – My forthcoming book, slated for release

  • 196: How to Survive A Target Trip With Your Kids, A Conversation with Amy Trueblood, the Author of Unflustered Mom

    19/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    Hi there, please let me know if this episode resonates with you. Send me a DM @melissallarena on Instagram and say YES:   Welcome to episode 196, have you ever felt anxious about taking your kids to a supermarket or Target? If the answer is yes then you have got to tune into this week’s guest Amber Trueblood the author of the best-selling book THE UNFLUSTERED MOM. She has four boys of her own and several credentials including being a licensed marriage and family therapist. In her book, she shows readers how to find a healthy alternative to dealing with mom-fears. Without raising their cortisol levels—that is, literally living in a space of ease and flow —the tools in this book will help moms create positive physiological shifts, better emotional awareness, hormonal balance, and the ability to set realistic boundaries. More about Amber below. This episode is brought to you by Fertile Imagination: A Guide for Stretching Every Mom’s Superpower for Creating Maximum Impa

  • 195: The Backstory to Being Published In Fast Fall Women edited by Gina Barreca (My Book Preface)

    12/09/2023 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, I’ll reveal the backstory of my participation in Fast Fall Women. But first, what was I thinking? I went from no one knowing about my experiences being raised by a mom with manic depression – to today, the world being able to hear one of my most vulnerable moments for $18.95.  Here’s the truth: Today marks a milestone for me as a published author in a book that features these writing goddesses: Amy Tan, Jane Smiley, Caroline Leavitt, Bobbie Ann Mason, Honor Moore, Darien Hsu Gee, Ilene Beckerman, Lynn Peril as well as new writers like myself. It’s a big deal and this is why you should tune into today’s episode especially if you’ve ever wanted to tell your story (or feel scared to).  Imagine harnessing the whimsical power of your childhood imagination and translating it into the real world as a mompreneur. That's the journey I've been on, and in this episode, I share the heart and soul of it all. Listen in as I explore how motherhood can transform your relationship with your imagination and ho

  • 194: Why Would Any Mom Procrastinate Launching a Forecasted $30K Business Offer? (LIVE Coaching Session With Carin)

    05/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    Let’s connect on Instagram. Send me a “hi” DM on Insta letting me know you caught this week’s episode. I’d love to know who is listening. Welcome to episode 194. Do you have a great business idea stuck in your head? What if getting it out of your head would put $30K in your pocket? Why would anyone procrastinate on executing such an idea? Meet Carin today’s live coaching session participant.  This is her situation and yet she has been procrastinating launching her $30K idea. Does this sound familiar? The conversation started with this $30K challenge yet as is often the case for moms in business specifically there is often more going on in the background that is affecting our sanity. So what might be the root cause of Carin’s hesitation to release her idea into the world and just stating selling it?  Tune in to find out!  You’ll hear how  through candid and brutally honest coaching questions I uncovered that her procrastinating the launch of this idea was just a

  • 193: Serin is Not Writing Her Memoir Due to a Fear of Judgment

    29/08/2023 Duración: 33min

    DM me to talk about the fear of judgment. Is it real to you too? Have you ever felt trapped within your own survival story? This week, we walk through this very journey with Serin, a mother and author who finds herself entangled in the chains of her past. As we traverse the winding path of her life, we uncover the deep-seated fears that have held her back from achieving her full potential as a mom and writer. Diving into the heart of her narrative, we delve into the impact of early childhood trauma and explore the powerful role of self-sabotage in Serin's life. Together, we shed light on the tangible tools and lessons that can aid her quest for progress and growth. This is a live coaching session where I coach Serin, an author with one daughter who is holding on to an old story that is getting in the way of writing her book, a memoir. Sound familiar?  She has done a lot of work to fight that story of survival but she still finds herself using it as the reason why she

  • 192: Is Impostor Syndrome Standing In Sandrine's Way From Asking For Referrals? (LIVE Coaching Session)

    22/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    Let's DM: Welcome to episode 192, this is a live coaching session where I coach Sandrine a web designer who is struggling with imposter syndrome. She was spending a lot of time creating social media assets when we spoke yet her former clients all came from referrals – is she going to meet her income goal this month or is that use of her time really a clue that she is procrastinating due to imposter syndrome? Time to find out and if this episode resonates with your situation as a mom in business then sign-up for a free break-through session with me. The link is in the show notes:   This episode is brought to you by Fertile Imagination: A Guide For Stretching Every Mom’s Superpower For Maximum Impact – My book that will be available on October 2023. I believe that every mom has a fertile imagination. It’s your superpower. You can learn how to use it and once you do it is then that you can create the impact and income you kn

  • 191: Caroline’s Path from Law to Art: Embracing Art Amid Societal Pressures

    15/08/2023 Duración: 46min

    This is a live coaching session with a creative mom who has entrepreneurial ambitions to write and sing music. She has two young kids at home and works part-time as an attorney. She recently turned forty and does not want to squander this season of her life. Take this opportunity to see what a coaching session with me sounds like and if you are a creative mom with entrepreneurial goals that you are not hitting because you are stuck in an old story about who you should be as a mom with a business (less risky, less playful, less ambitious) then sign-up for a free breakthrough session with me. The link is in the show notes: This episode is brought to you by Fertile Imagination: A Guide For Stretching Every Mom’s Superpower For Maximum Impact – today. About Caroline Caroline writes music about what it’s like, as a mom and an artist. She sought coaching to muster the courage to redefine myself outside of society’s expectations (and my own exp

  • 190: One Decision Can Change Your Life + A Free 10-Minute Meditation For Better Decision-Making For Moms

    08/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    One decision can change your life entirely. Melissa shares an anecdote from her book, Fertile Imagination, about her mom's one turning point decision moment back in the 60s. Melissa leads a 10-minute meditation to help you build a greater awareness of your body sensations. Melissa talks about the decision to raise bilingual third generation Latinos. Excerpt from Melissa's book: Fertile Imagination: A Guide for Every Mom's Superpower for Creating Maximum Impact - The wrong script for you can hold you back. My Puerto Rican grandmother, who finished school after the third grade, got impatient with my mom back in the ’60s. One of three girls, my mom attended a community college to earn her associate’s degree. No other daughter went that far. My grandmother once told my mom, that’s enough school! She saw school as a waste of time for a girl. Decades later, my mom enrolled in college because she really wanted to earn a bachelor’s. The problem was that my mom was working f

  • 189: Breaking Stereotypes: The Impact of 'Your Special Voice'  with Temi Adamolekun

    01/08/2023 Duración: 54min

    In this conversation, we will discuss why representation matters especially for children, how you can expand the perspective of someone as a mom or in other ways by being the first person in any category to use your special voice and get a look at what asking for precisely what you want is a good thing and how that contributed to the children’s book Your Special Voice.  Temi Adamolekun is the author of Your Special Voice. This empowering board book inspires young readers to use their own special voices to make a difference in the world. If you want to make a difference,  but you don’t know where to start  Begin by searching way deep down  to find what’s in your heart Whether your voice shines through singing, drawing, or dancing—whether it’s soft or loud, kind or proud—everyone has a voice that can effect change. This empowering and heartfelt message is conveyed through a beautiful, lyrical rhyme that will encourage even the youngest readers to think about what’s important to them. Temi is from Nigeria, grew

  • 188: Transitions Are Hard For Moms Too! Here's A Free Meditation To Help (Mom Summer Camp Series)

    25/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    Welcome to episode 188 (Mom Summer Camp Series). Today, I’ll tell you a story that reflects how my summer plans are going, you’ll learn about this concept of transitions for yourself ) not only your kids, and then I’ll walk you through a 10-minute resource-building meditation. The 10-minute resource-building meditation is a sneak peek into my FREE 21-day imagination to impact challenge. Sign-up on This is for you if you have elementary school-aged up to tween-aged kids and your intention is to create a new offering as a creative or passion-based business owner in this fall. This 21-day challenge aligns with my upcoming book entitled Fertile Imagination: A Guide for Stretching Every’s Mom Superpower for Maximum Impact coming out this October! First the story... My typical trip to Target features one son lying down underneath my shopping cart, another one hanging on one side of my cart, and the third on the other side so that it doesn't tip over. I'm only trying to buy ponytail holders + TP

  • 187: From Chaos to Calm: Navigating Parenting and Entrepreneurship with The Queen of Calm, Jenna Hermans

    18/07/2023 Duración: 43min

    Ever wonder how a mom of four can juggle being a successful entrepreneur, author and still maintain her calm? Jenna Hermans, author of “Chaos to Calm: Five Ways Busy Parents Can Break Free from Overwhelm,” spills her secrets and takes us through her journey of becoming an entrepreneur, managing her energy and time, and how she inspires others to chase their dreams while keeping the balance of life intact. She even shares a real-life example of maintaining calm amidst the chaos of a messy situation with her teenager. Jenna Hermans is living proof that you can create a life of calm within chaos and overwhelm. She uses her bachelor’s degree in psychology, master’s degree in organizational management, and over fifteen years of Human Resources experience to build strong teams, both at work and at home. Jenna takes an intentional and inclusive approach to help individuals and teams implement tools that put organization and systems around their busy lives that infuse calm and more joy, helping them go from Chaos to

  • 186: Join the 21 Day imagination to Impact Challenge (Uncover Your Next Idea & Your School-Aged Child's Interests)

    11/07/2023 Duración: 29min

    You left a conventional career to create your own entrepreneurial path. It's part of your goal to be around and stay flexible enough to be present with your kids and to raise them yourself as the primary caregiver.   So you are at this crossroads at the beginning of your freelancing, coaching, and services business and you've been bombarded with things to do.   Your mental load today would require more than a Tonka truck to unload and in the Fall your kids will be in school full-time. However, even then your kids are on your mind and obviously in your heart. So how are you going to do this? Where do you start?   Is there a way to avoid the mom guilt? Are there boundaries you can build now to put your best ideas out there without imploded from overwhelm? Will you have to miss sleep to squeeze in your hopes and dreams?   Do you have more questions about how to approach your entrepreneurial journey and mom life than answers?   Remember, missing out on your kid's school-age journey is N

  • 185: Lauren Lane Shares Summer Cooking Tips to Save Time, Reduce Food Waste, and Create Special Memories

    04/07/2023 Duración: 34min

    Lauren reinvents herself at 50 and now pursues her dream of teaching others how to cook easily and entertain effortlessly. She inspires others to follow their passions no matter what their age. Lauren is a Culinary Influencer who has a passion for creating – expressed through her original content, recipes, photography, and storytelling. Her authenticity shows through her voice, as she genuinely enjoys engaging with her audience. Lauren teaches cooking classes and hosts private dinners in her home. She also works with select brands to build awareness by bringing the human element and a face to the brand. She creates content and shares it on her established social networks and in-person events to bring awareness and, ultimately, brand insistence. She’s worked with companies such as Wustof, Sprouts, Hexclad, ThermoPro, Belfonte, Wisconsin Cheese, and many others. Lauren Lane is a contributor to the FOX4 morning show and has recently appeared on the new Netflix cooking competition Easy Bake Battle. Lauren Lane's

  • 184: How To Teach Resilience And Negotiation Skills To School-Age Kids (Mom Summer Camp Series)

    27/06/2023 Duración: 20min

    What if YOU were the best teacher or coach to teach your kids THE life skills they'll need to become resilient, emotionally intelligent, or even better at advocating for themselves? What if... I believe that our kids can handle more than we can even imagine. Way more. Did you hear about the kids lost in the Amazon who fended for themselves and survived?  That's such an outlier situation and it's SO scary for me to imagine but what it did remind me is: our kids can be resilient and tougher than the obstacles life will present in front of them. Hasn't this been the case for you? You've been through some stuff yet here you are reading this and tuning into Unimaginable Wellness. There's something in you that helped you rise up or beyond several obstacles so why not teach your kids how to do the same this summer season? That's what I'm doing this summer....because I've got lessons and stuff to do too! This summer why not impart some of your skills intentionally to your kid/s? This week's episode is ver

  • 183: Unlocking the Power of Imagination: Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Book Marketing Success with Becky Robinson

    20/06/2023 Duración: 33min

    Let’s get into the marketing side of writing a book to fuel your business from how you get and sustain the energy to do what it takes to reach more people to how you can find the funding to pay for the marketing tactics you can use to build awareness around your book.  Also, there’s a ton you can do so how do you prioritize what you will do if you are running a lean business or are a solopreneur. Pay close attention to how you can pivot from one audience into another if that’s also your specific situation – and you’re writing a book for an audience that is not on your email list yet. Meet Becky. Becky Robinson is the Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in supporting authors, business leaders, coaches, trainers, speakers, and thought leaders. Founded in 2012, Weaving Influence services include strategic consultation/coaching for authors and thought leaders, social media management, public relations, virtual meeting facilitation, and book launch service

  • 182: The Risks And Consequences Of Taking On A Supporting Role In Your Mom Life

    13/06/2023 Duración: 21min

    This is episode 182. What if playing a supporting role in your own life is the single biggest mistake you can make as a mom? What if you will only be happy, fulfilled, and feel like the best mom possible if you took a chance on your own ambitions? What if taking a chance means that you will have to find a way to start playing the lead role in your life? What if your mental health and emotional well-being rely on making this mindset shift?? Let's talk about a very common change in perspective among moms. We begin by playing the lead in our lives to then becoming a mom and feeling like we can now only play a supporting role. Ever feel like your life had to stop when every else's gets to keep going or soaring? This was the memo I got when I joined the mom club twelve years ago. It’s also why I decided to write my book….Fertile Imagination: A Guide for Stretching Every Mom's Superpower for Maximum Impact - get your free chapter:   Big ideas discussed in this episode   Insi

  • 181: Unrealistic Expectations and the Power of Word-of-Mom Marketing with Three Wishes CEO, Margaret Wishingrad

    06/06/2023 Duración: 27min

    Are you curious about how other businesses are scaling and expanding while balancing family life? Look no further than Margaret Wishingrad, CEO and Co-Founder of Three Wishes, a cereal company that is taking the industry by storm. As a mother of two young children, Margaret knows firsthand the challenges of being a working mom, but she also relishes in the fulfillment that comes from her work. Margaret shares her story and offers valuable insights into how she balances it all. She tackles the unrealistic expectations placed on moms and entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of prioritizing what matters most. While she acknowledges the power of delegation, Margaret emphasizes the need for control and the satisfaction that comes from taking charge. Margaret Wishingrad is a mother of two, the daughter of immigrants, and the Founder and CEO of Three Wishes, a healthy-while-delicious breakfast that's unique in the cereal aisle for its nutrient-dense ingredients. Margaret has grown Three Wishes from conception

  • 180: Why Sometimes House Projects Win Over Work Projects? (Work-Life Integration)

    30/05/2023 Duración: 19min

    This is episode 180. How to avoid daily distractions to focus on your business growth (work-life integration). We are going to tackle a huge hindrance to business growth, especially as a solopreneur who wants to be a good mom too. This episode comes from a survey I recently conducted with moms in business. One insight that grabbed my attention was this one: a solopreneur had this to say: it's easier to see a clean kitchen than the impact of social media posts. Have you ever had this happen to you? You hire a social media expert who designs templates, gives you Mad Lib frameworks, and sources great stock art.  She even goes as far as telling you on Monday to share Behind-the-Scenes, on Tuesday to share an offer, Wednesday do a REEL, meanwhile throughout the days be sure to like, share, and comment on the posts that tackle the ideas you agree with or want to spread in the context of your zone of genius. Oh, and I want you to send authentic and relevant audiograms personalized to prospective clients as part of c

  • 179: Fix Overwhelm For Moms In Business (Work-Life Integration Series)

    23/05/2023 Duración: 23min

    As a coach for 12 years now, I understand how a working mom feels when everyone else is counting down the days until summer. I have identical twins who are 9 and a 12 year old. All of them will be cared for in a mix of summer camps, by a babysitter, me, and my husband this summer. Sound familiar? This used to make me anxious until I started asking myself an important question that I'll share with you here. ​ If the answer is YES (Melissa, I'm anxious about this summer), then I want to share with you ONE tangible solution to help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or anxious when you look at the days flying by. P.S. This is the tip of the iceberg and if rethinking how you navigate your life as a mom in business is your top priority in 2023 then I will let you know how you can reach me for a free private and confidential consultation as a member of this newsletter community. Read through the note. ​ Some context: This note starts off my series of work-life integration for moms in business….because I don’t believe th

  • 178: Uncovering the Power of Work-Life Integration for Working Moms: A Conversation with HeyMama Co-Founder, Amri Kibbler

    14/05/2023 Duración: 38min

    This is a special Mother’s Day episode because it includes the kind of gift that a lot of us working moms would LOVE. If you're on a career pause right now, consider the fact that this might be the perfect opportunity to uncover what might be next for you. In this episode, we talk about networking and why so few of us prioritize such a business-critical task. Then we discuss taking a pause in your career and why that needs to be on your resume.  Altogether, we go through what work-life integration is and why it might feel so hard in traditional business relationship-building settings. We then turn to an online/offline community that is creating the space we need to be both moms and professionals without feeling as if we have to hide half of who we are.  I want to give you as a listener a coupon code for 75 off of a HeyMama membership to get this coupon code just DM me @melissallarena or email me Amri Kebbler is a mom of two from New York and the visionary behind the 2014 launch of H

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