Refinery Church



WE ARE REFINERY - A 21st century church that values FAITH-FAMILY-FUN. Striving to become the people, families & community that God has created us to be. Join us live Saturday nights at 5:30P on the corner of Brea Blvd. and Ash St. in downtown Brea.


  • Generosity (Part 2) - 03.17.18

    16/03/2018 Duración: 24min

    The heart and action of generosity is the tangible demonstration of God’s love. Jesus gives His last parable in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 25. In it, He shares insight into the “end of days” when humanity will be judged, and he uses an example of sheep and goats. What we see in Jesus’ parable is an evaluation of faith based on “Doing”. Those who’s faith was proven by demonstrated works are welcomed into God’s Kingdom. Faith in Jesus Christ is salvation. But the “works” of righteousness is the fruit of living faith.

  • Generosity (Part 1) - 03.10.18

    07/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    Generosity is more than giving away money. It’s a matter of the heart. When we operate with generosity we demonstrate faith, break the hold of materialism, and starve the “selfish beast.” One of the verbs that we learn from Jesus is “give.” He says in Acts 20:35 that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” He didn’t say, “it’s more natural to give or it more easy to give,” because it’s not natural or easy to give. But giving blesses the receiver and the giver. In this message we learn practical ways to be a “giver” by using #TheGivingBag to bless others in need.

  • Faith, Family, & Fun - 03.03.18

    02/03/2018 Duración: 24min

    We are a 21st Century church dedicated to being: People of undeniable faith. People who equip and build families. People who have joy-filled fun. Our vision and values determine how we live our lives, the way we spend our time and money, the way we prioritize activities. It shows what matters most. In this message we highlight the cultural values of REFINERY Church and what it means when we say “We Are Refinery: A place of FAITH - FAMILY - FUN”

  • How do you do? (Part 2) - 02.24.18

    23/02/2018 Duración: 27min

    The factor that is necessary to sustain and validate a person as “DOERS’ is the personal character trait called, “Integrity.” It’s defined as “doing the right thing when no one is looking.” Doing what God says can be challenging. It requires devotion, dedication and determination. But the character quality that validates the work of “doing” is “Integrity.” In this message we look at 2 people who operated with Godly Integrity that resulted in reputations that are honored today: Billy Graham and Joseph son of Jacob (Genesis).

  • How do you do? (Part 1) - 02.17.18

    16/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    There are benefits to being a doer of God's Word. But being a "DOER" starts with FAITH. FAITH in scripture is a VERB. Faith is not intended to be a passive religious title. It is intended to be active and alive. In this message we answer the question "How do you DO?" In other words, what is involved with being a "DOER" of God's Word? In part 1 we briefly look at the Biblical example of Noah. His response to God's voice helps us to realize that Faith is the main factor of being a "DOER". Faith that trusts God to be a promise keeper - Faith that courageously steps out despite the obstacles - Faith that results in action.

  • Be a DOER - 02.10.18

    10/02/2018 Duración: 20min

    A “verb” is an action word, a word that describes “doing”. Action is required for thoughts and ideas to become reality. When God speaks a Word, there should be an appropriate response of “doing” what He says, not just “hearing.” It is important to listen and hear from God. But if we hear from God and do nothing about it, then it’s like looking in a mirror and seeing changes that need to be made, then walking away and doing nothing about it. In the New Testament book of James, we are challenged by God to not only be “hearers” of His Word, but also “doers”. The results of being a “doer” is a life that is purposeful, joyful, and blessed.

  • Confirm The Voice - 01.27.18

    27/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    We find out in this teaching that even the great men and women of the Bible had to learn how to listen and recognize God's voice. The example we look at is a young man named Sam. His story is found in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel. Through his example, and other Bible references we discover five basic keys or "checks" through which every possible leading should be judged. They are: Scripture, Holy Spirit, Godly Counsel, Peace of God, and Circumstances.

  • Turn Down the Noise - 01.20.18

    20/01/2018 Duración: 32min

    We live in a age with tons of distractions. Technology (Facebook - Twitter - Music - TV - Movies - Video), Peoples Opinions (Associates, News, Etc), Activities (School - Sports - Hobbies). All of these "voices" can become so loud that it can be impossible to hear God's voice above the roar. To hear God's voice will require turning down the "noise" and learning to listen to His voice first. Having "ears to hear" God's Spirit will require exercising the discipline of listening to Him first each day before the noise starts.

  • Benefits of Hearing - 01.13.18

    13/01/2018 Duración: 20min

    Everyone likes BENEFITS; those extra perks that come when you participate in an activity or organization. Maybe it’s a car that comes with the new job or an upgrade to the health plan for your current job. Benefits are awesome. In God’s Word we see that He extends dozens of benefits for those who come to Him, hear His voice, and do what He says. Those benefits have traditionally been called “blessings.” This teaching highlights a few of the many benefits that God extends to His children, such as wisdom, insight, and stability.

  • Ears to Hear - 01.06.18

    06/01/2018 Duración: 37min

    God says in Isaiah 30:21 “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” He is saying that He will direct us. But we have to have ears to hear what He is saying. Jesus said these words over and over in the Gospels and even in Revelation “He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying.” We need to have ears to hear what God is saying, if we are going to be the people He has called us to be, and do the things He has created us to do. The way to learn His voice is by getting into His Word. The more time you spend “HERE” [The Bible] the better you will be able to HEAR.

  • Shepherd - 12.16.17

    15/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    This Christmas season we are reminded that the first people to hear about Jesus' birth were the shepherds. Some of Israel's greatest hero's were shepherds, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David. David authored Psalm 23 describing God's caring role as Shepherd. In this message we learn that shepherds never leave their sheep alone, they lead, guide, protect and feed. Our "good shepherd", Jesus Christ, makes it personal as, "He restores my soul."

  • Tabernacle - 12.09.17

    08/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    God demonstrates his love for humanity by willingly dwell in their midst instead of a palace, mountain or distant galaxy. Since the beginning God has desired to be in relationship with His special creation; US. Every relationship requires three components to thrive: Trust – Frequency – Communication. God knows that for there to be a thriving relationship with humanity it will require close proximity for these three components to exist. So we see in the Book of Exodus that He willingly dwells right in the middle of the Israelite camp, in a tent called a Tabernacle. In this message, we learn that God loves us so much that he is willing to be right in the middle of our messy life.

  • In The Beginning - 12.02.17

    01/12/2017 Duración: 20min

    Genesis Creation Story. All the gifts He gave at the beginning of creation: Sky, mountains, birds, bees, flowers, and trees. But all these pale in comparison to his ultimate gift…HIS PRESENCE IN THE GARDEN. Everyday he would walk in the cool of the evening.

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