Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol



Hypnosis-Everywhere with Ines Simpson explores, dissects, discusses and opens up the world of Hypnosis. You will discover that Hypnosis is a very big world indeed. In Hypnosis-Everywhere, Ines offers you tools and answers to deal with that tricky mind of yours, and proven ways to enrich your life.brbrFears, Anxieties, Phobias, PTSD, Body health, Mind Health, Spiritual Health are just some of the things Hypnosis works for. Hypnosis-Everywhere is a show about our minds and the miracles we can achieve for ourselves and each other


  • Hypnosis Down Under Studies in Wonder Tony Kyprios

    28/08/2019 Duración: 55min

    We chat with Tony Kyprios from Toowoomba ( a great name for a place) Queensland We discuss the training expected fo Hypnotists in Australia its a lot And Tony Kyrios vast experience with all aspects of Hypnosis We also chat about Tony is experiences working with aboriginals in Australia and his use of Hypnosis there to create healing

  • Bob Burns - returns!! Beyond the Swan

    21/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    Bob Burns Returns. A great friend and a great therapist - famous in the world of Hypnosis for The Swan technique - a wonderful way to access the subconscious directly and root out problems In keeping with Hypnosis-Everywhere - the Next Level - we chat to Bob about the new developments with the Swan ( and there many!!) but also where he is going with his search beyond the Swan

  • The Mind - exploring the boundaries

    14/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we chat with Christophe Dierckx in Belgium We will talk about how with Simpson Protocol we are literally exploring the frontiers of the Mind - and as a result, being able to get outstanding outcomes for our clients. We will chat about the science, the art and the results of how we are charting the Mind. Hypnosis was once very holistic and profound in the hands of Shamans and the magic men and women of ancient times. But then with the mechanical age of industrialism and technology - Hypnosis was used in a very limited and mechanical way Now we are bringing back the full scope and we talk about where that is taking us

  • Mesmerism - the power behind modern Hypnosis?

    07/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    As stated on the first show of this new season - we want to go deeper and higher into our subjects. And this is a perfect and wonderful example. My interview with Rick Collingwood in Australia about his life in Hypnosis - but also his profound study and practice of and with Mesmerism

  • A new Season, A new Level - Higher and Deeper

    31/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    Hypnosis-Everywhere is a show about the concept that in our lives Hypnosis is pretty much everywhere, in one form or another. We tend to hold the truth that we are logical and use analytical thought to move through our life - but if you step back you may notice - most of our decisions are made from fear, past memories ( experience), love, hate, attraction, desire, despair, happiness etc. These are emotions and emotions live somewhere beyond our conscious reckoning. In fact, you will find, if you pay attention - we make a decision and then after the fact explain to ourselves logically how we made it. This new season we will still look at formal hypnosis and all its benefits - but we will also look at what we are discovering about our minds - from the work done with Hypnosis. Yes, a little show about the infinite potential of our Minds!

  • The Human side of being a Shaman

    10/04/2019 Duración: 57min

    This is our final episode of this season We are taking a break till July - but all the shows will still be available to 'consume' while we are gone!!. Feel free to consume all the episodes we have done this year. All different - great guests and insights And this we last show we save for my favourite Shaman and great friend Gary George. This show he tells more stories - ( see his first show Jan 16) - but also reveals the other side of being Shaman - the human side

  • Dr Bruce Lipton and how our thoughts can impale or empower

    03/04/2019 Duración: 56min

    We chat with Dr Bruce Lipton - who discovered the concept of epigenetics- and wrote the Biology Of Belief- the book that generated the absolute 'Eureka' moment in my life. I literally stood up and cheered - this scientist understands what we do in Hypnosis - absolutely We chat about how our thoughts can change our own biology. Physically even down to the cell level. We discuss how our thoughts and our subconscious programs shape our lives - and how we can change them anytime we choose So we have the power to at anytime create and re-create our lives

  • Re creating our lives - exploring the options for positive change

    27/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    If you have been listening to the show - and we know some of you haven't!! - then we have discussed from every angle that a lot of our life is running on programs below our consciousness - and to change them is to first recognise there is a program or phobia or fear, or addiction or negative emotions lurking in our psyche. The second key is to know how to create lasting and positive change. This week we will chat about some of the ways and ideas we can do this. Next week with Dr Bruce Lipton we will pursue this further - with Dr Litpons scientific and spiritual background - as our guide

  • Hypnosis - on the wild side!!

    20/03/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we chat with Gina Avans from The Netherlands - an amazing Hypnotist - and passion is her language Originally from Surinam - where she gets her energy and gusto!! We will chat about her engagement with Hypnosis and her passion for Hypnosis with her clients and her students And you really haven't heard passion on the radio until you listen to Gina - so LISTEN IN!!

  • Getting straight with the Mind Body and Soul

    13/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    This week we chat with Jacquie Balogh and her Transcendence Hypnosis. Jacquie has always known she has some form of special connection to 'the other' deeper world of the Mind. And she uses this in her practice to help connect her clients to their true - or truer selves She sees Hypnosis as the language of the Mind and it is 'spoken' in many different ways. Each Hypnotist can bring their own form of the language We will chat about Jacquie's special gifts in this area- and they are quite amazing - listen in

  • Working on a Better Plan!!

    06/03/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we check with Christophe Dierckx a hypnotist in Belgium As with most Hypnotists, Christophe came to Hypnosis through his own dis-orders After years of Sleep Apnea, he eventually discovered Hypnosis to change this dis-order And realised he could use hypnosis to help others with their dis-orders He has some very interesting discoveries on his journey with Hypnosis - which we will chat about Christophe has done extensive studies in Hypnosis and has a lot to share

  • A session in Hypnosis - what makes it work?

    27/02/2019 Duración: 55min

    This week we dig into the mechanics of a Hypnosis session. A client wants a result - how does the hypnotist set up and work to make sure the client gets that result. Hypnosis is whats called short term therapy for anything attached to the mind - anxiety, depression, PTSD, phobias, and yes non-smoking and weight loss - how does that work exactly we will discuss

  • Hypnosis- Going for the Higher Mind!

    20/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    We chat with Stephanie Conkle who coincidentally works a type of Hypnosis that uses a Higher Mind concept - we call Superconscious. We will investigate how we both came to this process for different angles of approach ( perhaps). She also works with kids who have autism and is a strong advocate for these kids and we will talk about that and her other adventures in this world of Hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis and Healing in Lebanon

    13/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we chat with Daniel Ghanimé who lives in Beirut - or close to Beirut. Have you heard of the term Multipotentiality? Me neither - but it does describe Daniel - a man of many talents and accomplished potentials Daniel is a Holder of an International MBA (MBAIP) in enterprise management, licensed Morpho-psychologist, certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Parenting coach practitioner, a musician and telecom professional. But mostly an amazing man who cares deeply about his clients and the people around him. We will chat about his work especially his work with children and building in resilience and what is called emotional intelligence.

  • The intersecting Worlds of Hypnosis and Your Reality

    06/02/2019 Duración: 56min

    Ines discusses and dissects the world of Hypnosis with her co-host and co-conspirator Martin Hypnosis isn't something outside of our normal day to day life - it is our day to day life and it can make it interesting, fascinating, alluring, worthwhile or ...the opposite This week an in-depth look at how we weave ((unknowingly) hypnosis into our life - and how that can be good ( mostly) and bad ( sometimes) Ines looks at the simple ways we can advantage of our mind's power to take control of our own journey And enjoy it!

  • Nicole Wackernagel -the energetic excited Hypnotist

    30/01/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we chat with another dear friend - a powerhouse of an individual - Nicole Wagernagel. She is smart easy to laugh, and very dedicated. Nicole has a tremendous practice in Hypnosis and Hypnosis training - but most of all she has tremendous confidence But it wasn't always that way - she has had a lot of obstacles to overcome- more than most of us - and we will chat about that and a bunch of Hypnosis stuff too!!

  • Creating a Lifestyle of Health with Hypnosis

    23/01/2019 Duración: 55min

    This week with the great HypnoHeather from Regina Canada - aka Heather Rodriguez. Focusing in on Creating a Lifestyle of Health with Hypnosis. Using Self Hypnosis and Hypnosis to create self-awareness and space ( in your Mind). With clarity and space you can begin to define right choices in your life These Choices lead to new messaging and habits that get imprinted in the brain creating pathways for happiness and contentment that can withstand the test of time. And lots of other hypnosis stuff of course

  • Exploring the World of a Shaman- with My Friend Gary George

    16/01/2019 Duración: 54min

    This week we chat with Gary George - a long time friend and a practising Shaman- much to his own suprise!! Gary - known as Grey Wolf - will talk about his Journey to this new world - and will talk about what he does as a Shaman - and what that means. And perhaps we will get him to do a little drumming at the end of the show!! Quote from Gary Why me? Some days I wonder why this gift was given to me. I didn't understand. I didn't ask for it. There is nothing special about me, I am just an ordinary guy. But yet, it still came. It took several years to make peace with it all and to understand what my gift was.

  • In Depth Look - Hypnosis Tools - Regression

    09/01/2019 Duración: 55min

    This episode we chat with the wonderful Wendie Webber. Wendie is a walking Encyclopedia/Wikipedia on Hypnosis tools and methods and techniques.Now like many of us she has taken a multitude of courses in Hypnosis - but she not only took the courses - she REMEMBERS them. All the details. And we are going to take advantage of her this week. The walking talking Hypnosis Encyclopedia - Wendie Webber!! This week we will get her to walk through the process we call Regression to Cause in Hypnosis. It's a very common process made popular by the likes of Dave Elman and Jerry Kein among others. Its a very interesting and often misunderstood process - and Wendie will walk us through step by step. Interesting for the casual listener - but trust me - also for us practising hypnotists. Listen in and listen deep , as they say!!

  • The amazing Sara Herring

    02/01/2019 Duración: 58min

    This week a chat with Sarah Herring. Sara like most hypnotists and therapists came to her therapy because of her own experiences with pain and dis-ease. Into what she thought of as a normal life came a crippling illness - that no-one knew how to treat - or label - so they called it fibromyalgia. She was in so much discomfort she could barely move - for days at a time. She changed this all by following a voice that told her to go inside and find healing inside herself This she thought was crazy - but as he began to explore the possibility of this - realised actually the dis-ease was actually her body and mind ( and spirit) reacting to her situation and relationship - which was an abusive one. It was her body 'waking her up' to the situation. And that was the start of her journey.

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