Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 9:06:17
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Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." - Johann Wolfgang von GoethEvery dream begins with an idea.In this podcast, we'll explore the magic and power of writing things down, onto the page.A safe place to share your deepest thoughts, crazy big dreams, and all the in-betweens.  Yes, your journal can be all this. Lean in. Trust. Flow.The answers you've been searching for (outside of you) are waiting to meet you on the page.Hello lovely.I believe in trusting the full process of LIFE. I believe anything is possible, life is beautiful even when it's hard and clarity can always be found on the page.Join me for weekly stories, inspiration, and practical writing inspo to write your life.My mission:to inspire creatives (writers or not) to move past resistance, onto the page each and every day. It's waiting for you.So glad you're here.xx, Kimp.s.Even the skeptics are loving this WRITE practice. Why not give it a try. 


  • 17. 51 Tiny Good Things

    30/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    so this is 51 !?! who knew? when I was in my 20’s I’d answer our front door and ‘they’d ask’ is your mom home? (that bugged me) when I was thirty…i was often told you look so young. (i kinda liked that) when I turned forty…I still felt/looked quite young (for 40) (i REALLY liked that) somewhere after that, life caught up …. I’ve had some resistance to aging…. yet…. all of me…. has lived…all of this…. and I’m still showing up…. A few years into my forties….a lot happened. My son discovered alcohol, then drugs. that was the beginning of 11+ years of fear and turmoil…. then came the big C John was diagnosed with Leukaemia…. and who knew … 6 years later…. we’d still be trying to figure his illness out. I’ve been feeling some pretty intense birthday blues. ‘is this where I thought I’d be?’   ‘i had so many goals…. then life came along with its own plan.’ If it was up to ‘my plan’…. things would have been so different. but that’s not the way it goes. As I write this and ponder that…. I realize… I’m probably not al

  • 16. The Multiple Ways I am Journaling Today

    29/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    My writing practice has evolved over this past year. More specifically,  this past 3 months. Today I'm breaking down my daily practice details. But first, I gotta invite you to join the upcoming WRITE life 10 & 1 (5 day) FREE Challenge. It starts on May 6th. All NEW... SUPER INSPIRED.... a must join and do challenge. 5 days to help you find clarity and get onto the page. This challenge is the lead up to my WRITE your heart's desire class (starting the end of May) Exciting news: If you are one of the WYHD alum, you'll be happy to know this is an all new course. (maybe just the new inspo you are looking for) I can't wait to share it with ALL of you. Even if you don't join the full WYHD class, the WRITE life 10&1 (5 Day) Challenge can create a massive shift in your life. Sign up to be the first to know all the registration details here: http://kimklassen.com/challengewaitlist Links from this week: Day One Application: https://dayoneapp.com/ GoodNotes Application: https://www.goodnotes.com/ Morning Pa

  • 15. the Serenity prayer in life and on the page

    22/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    God grant me the serenity  To accept the things I cannot change;  Courage to change the things I can;  And wisdom to know the difference.  What can we control? Our thoughts, emotions, actions/reactions.  What can't we control (zoom into the present moment to consider this) ?other people and circumstances outside of us. Our brain loves to dwell on the things 'outside' of our control and how they should be different. In this place, we don't have to change or take action. This keeps us stuck. Looping in the shoulds, should-nots and if only's.  It can feel awful yet it's very easy to 'stay there'. Today, let's break down the power and wisdom of the SERENITY prayer (both in life and on the page.) Daily Questions This week, on the page, zoom into your life and consider these 2 Questions. 1. Today, am I accepting the things I can not change? 2. Today, what things are truly in my control? The page is a safe place to be real. Let whatever flows come up. Questions are a powerful way to find clarity, direction, and

  • 14. The Single Most Essential WRITE Practice (a call to action)

    15/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    Today...the WRITE practice that can change your life. On My Mind We start with a story. How my Monday Magic Zoom call with Xanthe wasn't quite magical. (or maybe it was). A call to consider who your Xanthe is? Do you have a safe friend to connect and share your dreams and desires? A friend who 'gets you'...no matter what? We will dig deeper into this in an upcoming episode. In the meantime, if you're not quite sure who this is or who this could be, I invite you to get on the page, plant the seed and expect she/he will find you. Some of my dearest soul-friends are far away, but thanks to the wonders of tech we can chat every day. Just when you least expect it you may find that person. The how is none of your business. Last fall I went to a life coach training and met the most amazing friend. We 'walk and talk' and zoom lots. We GET each other completely. If I didn't take that leap and book that flight... I never ever would have met her. You just never know! Ok...so after my funky Monday and Tuesday too...came

  • 13. Powerful I can Affirmations

    08/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    Affirmations can be SO powerful, especially when you can get your brain on board and believing them to be true. Today a bonus podcast;  I can inspo and a printable list of I can affirmations to get you started. xx   click HERE to download the I CAN affirmations printable.

  • 12. Just two words - i can

    08/04/2019 Duración: 10min

    Today,we’re talking the power of just 2 words. I CAN. In particular, when your brain isn't quite on board with those 'I am affirmations' you've been saying and writing. You know what I'm talking about... When your words are saying one thing and your brain another.  Today the power of two words, I can. What CAN you do? You decide. And you WILL!

  • 11. The Stories We Tell

    01/04/2019 Duración: 24min

    "Sometimes all it takes to change a life is to decide which beliefs do not serve you and to literally change your mind about those beliefs.” — JoyPage This week, we are diving deep this week, into the stories we tell ourselves. Tell me lovely, what stories do you need to let go? What stories are no longer serving you? Not sure what your stories are? Look around. Your life is a reflection of the stories you're telling. What if you could change your story and change your life?
You totally can.   Download the WRITE life Stories Workbook: https://kimklassen.com/ep11  

  • ep # 10 | Getting Clear on Your Dream and Writing as if

    24/03/2019 Duración: 15min

    These past few weeks, I’ve been diving deep into the work of Joe Dispenza. I discovered his work last summer when John was in hospital for his leg. I remember so clearly listening to the audiobook (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself) on my trips to the hospital. Mind-blowing. A few months back I started re-listening to his work, but it wasn't resonating quite the same. (funny how that goes, isn't it?) Then this past week… once again… my mind has been blown (multiple times). He teaches the power of changing our ‘same old ways’ in order to create lasting change and that change must happen first in our mind. So true! So powerful! When I read about a writing exercise he suggests for getting clear on your vision, I knew I had to share it with you. It’s so powerful. You must try this. It might just take your WRITE as if practice to a whole other level. Listen in my lovely. The WRITE Tools: Joe Dispenza’s books, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Becoming Supernatural ... pretty much any podcast he’s been on. A

  • ep #9 | writing as if when times are difficult

    18/03/2019 Duración: 18min

      On my mind: My husband is going through some difficult health issues. This week, I'm sharing my latest thoughts on accepting,processing,  and leaning into what life offers up.  Trusting in... the knowing I/We/You can do hard things.   On the page: An invitation to consider, then write as if . you are the person you want to be in whatever life throws your way...starting today. Right now, no matter the season of life you are living. This can be such a powerful process. I promise it's worth deciding on the page. (even if your brain tells you otherwise.)   The WRITE Tools: I didn't share a favorite write tool on this week's podcast but thought I'd link to one of my MOST fav fountain pens ever. It's a dream. Click HERE to check out the Pilot Vanishing point pen. xx Kim worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. - Corrie ten Boom

  • ep#8 | Magic Questions

    11/03/2019 Duración: 27min

    This week. On my mind: Whatever we focus on, we create a connection to. The quality of our connection/relationships depends on the quality of our attention and focus. What if we spent quality time connecting and believing in our heart's desire? Where might this take us? Possibilities, depth, inspired action.  You cannot move toward your desired future while your attention is stuck on a present that is less than satisfying. Give thanks for what is, and lean into what's possible. This week, open the page and explore your heart's desire, with focus, possibility and true intention. Who knows where this might lead you. On the page: When I'm looking for an answer, I always take my question to the page. Powerful, supporting, intentional questions put your brain to work looking for the best solutions. Listen in as I share the power of magic questions. Click HERE to download the 'magic questions' printable. The WRITE Tools: One of my most favorite WRITE tools. The Roterfaden organizer. Be still my heart. Grey suede, p

  • EP#7 - taking the 'stuff' of life to the page....

    04/03/2019 Duración: 27min

    This week. On YOUR mind: Thank you for the heart-felt dm's and emails around last week's writing as if episode. I received several messages, all very similar.  In a nutshell, I can't seem to write down my dreams because they seem too impossible.  I love this question! You are not alone my lovelies.  Good news, I have some new thoughts for you and ways to get past the 'block'. Listen in...and do let me know how it goes. Click HERE to send me your question, and maybe I can answer it on an upcoming episode. ♡ On my mind:  I've been thinking a lot these past few weeks about the idea of truly wanting... Wanting from a space of lack or a space of willingness to do what it takes. It's so fascinating to truly consider what we are willing to make happen. (no matter what). On the page:  The page can be your coach, your guide, your friend. The page can take anything you need to say. This week, I forgot the page when I needed it the most.  I'm happy to say, we (me and the page) are back on track and my word what a differ

  • Ep #6 | Commitment & Writing as if

    25/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    This week... on my mind: the magic of commitment and willingness to be uncomfortable as we grow, evolve & become. on the page: pick a dream, go all in and write as if it's already true. join me.  'I'm continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. As long as you're uncomfortable, it means you're growing.' -Ashton Kutcher   full show-notes: http://kimklassen.com/ep6

  • Ep #5 | Write your Dreams

    18/02/2019 Duración: 25min

    Hello lovely, Here we are ep#5. How are you? Thanks for tuning in. Holy heck, I love that you are taking the time to listen.  ♡ This week: an extra-special podcast review I had to share, a quick gratitude re-cap/reminder.... On my mind: accepting what is... (so powerful) On the page: It's time to write. Let's dive into writing our dreams...small, big, amazing, (possibly) impossible... onto the page. This is a 'just for fun' exercise. It's time to re-connect to your dreams. I wonder, what dreamy-dreams will flood onto your page this week! Be warned, your brain may not love your dreamy-dreams (at first). The brain likes to be efficient, safe and comfortable. It's content thinking the same thoughts, doing the same things, on REPEAT. Good news is, you are not your brain. Let's get those thoughts (and maybe blocks) out of your head and onto the page so you actually take a look at what's happening up there. Awareness is the first step to making change. Exciting stuff.  So glad you are here. xxx A thought

  • Ep #4 | This week we WRITE (gratitude)

    11/02/2019 Duración: 18min

    Yes! Episode 4...  Ready to begin your WRITE practice? Lean in, my lovely. It's going to be amazing. There is so much magic in writing things down. I'm excited to explore 'all the things' with you.  This week... why write? best tips for getting past the pretty blank page resistance... and my first PROMPT for getting you onto the page each and every day. Writing gratitude. And be sure to pop over the my site and grab the ep#4 write gratitude companion page.  for full show-notes visite http://kimklassen.com/ep4 Links from the episode LAMY fountain pen Kaweco AL Sport Fountain Pen (a current fav) Kaweco ink cartridges (sepia is my fav) Composition notebooks love these ones from Staples. Composition notebooks from Amazon ALL the podcasts on one page Note: All Amazon links are affiliate and I will receive a small commission if someone purchases through my link. “In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”   – Die

  • Ep#3 | My Story Continued (wrapping up the intro episodes)

    02/02/2019 Duración: 12min

    Ok, my lovely, the 3rd and final 'my story' episode. Still here? ♡ If you've been with me for a bit or if you just wanna get to the writing, feel free to move straight to episode 4. In this episode, I tell the story of my husband's leukemia and graft vs host disease... Gifts, shifts...FOREVER CHANGED. Grateful (always) xx 

  • Ep. #2 | My Story Part 1

    31/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    In this episode, I tell the story of my son's battle with mental illness and addiction. If you've been with me for a while you know it well. If you're new-ish to my little corner of the internet, I feel it's a must share before we dive deeper into the WRITE practice. It was through this journey I found blogging, photography and this amazing world of self-help, discover, and teaching. My beautiful boy, Bryce taught me the true meaning of NO MATTER WHAT love.  Forever grateful. This is our story. I'm so glad you are here.

  • Ep #1 | Welcome to the WRITE life podcast

    29/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    In this first (intro) episode, I share why I believe in writing things down on the page, each day. Along with a few favorite stories to inspire you to lean into the  WRITE process, even the skeptics are loving. I'm so glad you're here. Let's get started.   "We either live with intention or exist by default." -Kristin Armstrong

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