Albuquerque Business Podcast



This is the Albuquerque Business Podcast with your host Jason Rigby. Each week we interview leading local business leaders to inspire the vision and the spirit that is in every entrepreneur. We discuss strengths, weakness, strategies, systems and the problems we can all solve together to fulfill a shared vision of a new future for Albuquerque.


  • The Freedom of Being YOU | What is Authentic Freedom

    12/01/2023 Duración: 06min

    Authentic freedom is the ability to be yourself without fear or judgment. It is a state of self-awareness and acceptance that allows you to live your life with purpose and passion. Authentic freedom comes from understanding your spiritual, emotional, and mental needs, and realizing that you have the power to make choices that are in alignment with those needs. With authentic freedom comes a sense of liberation, a feeling of being liberated from the constraints of society or other external influences. Genuine freedom is about finding your true self and living in harmony with it. It is an empowering journey that can lead to greater fulfillment and joy. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ

  • Say Less, Commit More. | How to Keep your Commitments.

    11/01/2023 Duración: 09min

    Keeping your commitments is a key factor in becoming a successful leader. It is not just about saying what you will do but also following through with it. Leaders must be honest and have integrity so that they can ensure their followers that their commitments are truthful and reliable. Say Less, Commit More is an important concept for any leader to understand and practice. It involves being mindful of the promises you make and the commitments you take on, as well as being honest about the limits of your abilities. By understanding these concepts, leaders can become more effective communicators and build trust with those around them. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Every Day is a Week | How to Accomplish Mass Amounts of Work Easily.

    10/01/2023 Duración: 05min

    Are you feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with your daily tasks? It doesn't have to be that way. With a few simple strategies, you can maximize your productivity and make every day feel like a week. One way to do this is by using a simple notepad to-do list. Writing down all of your tasks on paper can help you organize and prioritize them in an efficient manner. You can also use podcasting as part of your daily routine, as it allows you to multitask while learning new business skills. Finally, by taking regular breaks throughout the day, you can ensure that your mind is refreshed and ready for the next task at hand. By following these tips, you will be able to maximize your productivity and make every day feel like a week! Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign

  • Don't Set Goals It Never Works | Part 3

    09/01/2023 Duración: 08min

    Part Three of why you have failed in your goals? How to make systems that work and are easy? When should I make a new system? Where do I start in my personal and business life for creating systems?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Don't Set Goals It Never Works | Part 2

    08/01/2023 Duración: 15min

    Part Two of why you have failed in your goals? How to make systems that work and are easy? When should I make a new system? Where do I start in my personal and business life for creating systems?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Don't Set Goals It Never Works | Part 1

    07/01/2023 Duración: 16min

    Why you have failed in your goals? How to make systems that work and are easy? When should I make a new system? Where do I start in my personal and business life for creating systems?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • When to Force and When to Surrender | How to Face Problems

    06/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    Why do we push back at problems with negative energy? When is the right time to surrender to issues in your life? How do you know when to use force or surrender? What is the underlying issue of this problem I face?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Done is Better then Perfect | Why Perfectionism is Narcistic as a Leader

    05/01/2023 Duración: 12min

    What is this urge to have everything perfect? Why do we freak out to try and make things perfect? How can we break the pattern of wanting everything perfect?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • How to Be Great as a Leader in Your Industry.

    04/01/2023 Duración: 10min

    What does greatness look like to you? How do you set yourself apart from others in your industry? Why do most business peeps not seek greatness? When is the right time to expand your presence in your niche?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • 99% of Humans Won't DO What Needs to be Done to BE Successful

    03/01/2023 Duración: 11min

    Are you lazy? Do you procrastinate? Why do you not have the energy to accomplish what you want to do? How do you fix the guilt and self-loathing?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

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