Purpose And Perspective With Misty Mcelroy



A podcast dedicated to helping you embrace hope, overcome obstacles and go beyond the surface of everyday moments to create a meaningful life right where you are. Join Misty McElroy for thoughtful conversation and fresh perspective, as we peel back the layers of success in an unconventional light. Together, we can explore, learn and laugh. We can navigate hard places, pursue work that makes us come alive, discover joy in ordinary days, and find encouragement knowing we're not alone. I hope you'll listen in!


  • 09: Try This When You're Feeling Low

    14/06/2019 Duración: 16min

    As humans, we're creatures of emotion, and it's not always easy to have a positive mindset. But in today's episode we'll talk about three things that can help you look up and move forward, even when perception or reality leaves you feeling low. Listen in for a simple practice to clear your head, re-calibrate and lift your vision higher, as you zoom out and allow the lens of your thought life to slowly shift.  

  • 08: Don't Be Afraid To Ask

    15/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    It's no fun to find yourself up against a wall with limited resources, especially when fear and doubt threaten to keep you down. In this episode, we'll talk about a powerful communication tool that can help, even when the odds seem stacked against you. In light of this, here’s something to consider. What if the simplicity of a carefully placed question has the potential to unlock an answer, change the direction of your life, and bring about progress you never expected? Listen in.

  • 07: Sometimes A Big Answer Comes Wrapped In Small, Ordinary Details

    20/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    You know that problem you’ve been trying to figure out for months? The one that keeps you up at night, and sends you on a roller coaster of emotions with choices that look hopeful, only to then disappoint? Maybe it's time to consider what's going on behind the scenes. What if the solution is already in process of falling into place, and circumstances you can’t even begin to predict are about to surprise you through the small, ordinary details of life? Listen in, and let's explore the possibilities together.

  • 06: Your Work Matters Even When It Can't Be Measured

    05/04/2019 Duración: 21min

    If you ever have days where you question the fruit of your labor, or wonder if you’re making a difference in the world, this episode is for you. Maybe if feels like you haven’t done much more than spin your wheels or keep your head above water, and the result of all your effort is hard to measure. Today, we'll talk about a deeper impact that isn't always visible on the surface, and explore the return on investment in spite of how we feel, how we mess up, and what we see in front of us. Listen in.

  • 05: Culture, Camaraderie and Closing In On The Finish Line

    26/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    Wherever you are in the world, success has a definition. The ebb and flow of progress may look different for each of us, but as we continue the interview with my brother Brandon about his journey to Machu Picchu, some of the highlights remind me of one thing that remains the same. We need each other. As you listen in, I hope you’ll be encouraged to consider your own journey of life, and remember - victory is sweetest when it’s shared. Everyone has a story. And hard work never goes out of style.

  • 04: Hope For Your Hard Places

    19/03/2019 Duración: 22min

    Some days are an uphill battle. You feel like you’re fighting the wind, going against the tide, and making very little headway despite all the effort. Recently, a small group of friends and family experienced some of those same feelings when they traveled down to Peru to discover the wonder and mystery of Machu Picchu, a place that tested their endurance, and also offers hope for the hard places of life. Here to tell us about it is one of the travelers himself. Join us for the journey!

  • 03: Have You Noticed?

    11/03/2019 Duración: 11min

    How often do we miss the beauty of ordinary moments simply by being distracted? This episode was sparked by an unusual question in a Thursday afternoon staff meeting, and it's linked to the role of recognition in everyday life, and some of the benefits that come with paying attention on a regular basis. Stay tuned, and let's open a conversation about taking notice on the daily. Thanks for joining in!

  • 02: Choose Intention

    04/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    Living within the carefully carved boundaries of a well-worn comfort zone feels pretty good. Maybe not always exciting or adventurous, but for the most part, it’s a safe place to land when the world around us is complicated and cumbersome. But what if that’s not an option? What if we’re forced outside our comfort zone, by choice or by circumstances? Or what if we need to move outside our comfort zone to grow and to change? In Episode 2, we'll reflect on an important ingredient that may help us find our way. 

  • 01: Details Determination and Grace To Keep Going

    25/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    In the face of overwhelm, it's easy to feel stuck and long for the clarity of modern GPS with exact instructions, reroutes and estimated distance. But what if a lack of clarity doesn't always mean a lack of direction? What if the worn, faded map offers a more circuitous route to work things in and through us? In today's show, we'll talk about things that hold us back, open up to the possibility that perception changes everything, and embrace the fact that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. Listen in, and maybe you’ll realize you are more equipped than you think.

  • Introduction to Purpose and Perspective

    06/02/2019 Duración: 10min

    I'm Misty McElroy, and in this introduction episode, we'll open a conversation about the real and practical aspects of living with purpose and perspective to create a meaningful life right where we are. It's not always easy, and it doesn't always feel good, but it has the potential to change us for the better, and to make a powerful difference in the way we navigate ordinary days.

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