Get Rooted Radio With Erica Gifford Mills



Are you ready to branch out? To take a leap of faith? To love yourself and others fully? then Let go of whatever no longer serves you to take action now on, Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills Living It Up Loving It Up Letting It Go! Erica will energize and excite you to power up your passionate dream that sets your soul on fire! With Ericas e3 approach: equipping, empowering and enlightening yourself so you can be yourself, for yourself! Get ready and get rooted to live life without regrets, without what ifs, without should haves, and especially without empty feelings from a life unexplored. This hit show helps you build powerful and intentional roots to live it up, love it up and let it go. Get fearlessly ready and powerfully rooted in your YES with your host Erica Mills Gifford and be fearless about your more and stand in your YES now on Get Rooted Radio.


  • Overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome While Still Feeling Like Wonder Woman


    Women are some of the most powerful beings on this Earth. As women, we want to 'do it all' because we have been told that we couldn t for so long. We want to be superheroes. Expecting women to show they can do anything has come with some costs. This is known as the superwomen syndrome. As defined by the American Psychological Association, superwoman syndrome is a set of characteristics found in a woman who performs or attempts to perform all the duties typically associated with several different full-time roles, such as wage earner, mother, homemaker, and wife/partner, advocate, and friend. The list goes on and on. While, if one sets her minds on a task or goal, women can achieve anything. However, we must establish, communicate and enforce boundaries so we do not become burnt out, experience health issues or enter into toxic relationships. On today's episode, learn how you can overcome the Super Woman Syndrome while still feeling like Wonder Woman.

  • Declutter your life, to live it to the fullest


    Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Leah Roling, as they discuss how the life you want is buried under all the clutter you don t. During today's episode, Erica and Leah will discuss how clutter, (mental, emotional, behaviorial, relational, and temporal clutter) gets in the way and sabotages our potential, robs us of our time, money and resources and leaves us exhausted, overwhelmed and frustrated.

  • Deep Fulfillment is Possible


    On today's episode of Get Rooted Radio, join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Krysti Turznik, as they assist listeners in discovering the missing pieces that have been keeping you stuck. When you discover what has been missing, you can feel more deeply fulfilled and step into your highest potential and your big vision. Get inspiration and learn about a practical roadmap you can use to start creating deeper meaning in life and align more fully with who you're meant to be.

  • From Pre-Med to Heart-Led: Journey to Discovering True Purpose


    Say goodbye to the 'shoulds' and hello to your true calling on this episode of Get Rooted Radio. Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guesty, Kacy Singh, a heart-centered transformation coach, as Kacy shares her personal journey of leaving a decade-long pursuit of becoming a doctor to find her true passion through self-discovery. Kacy's blend of practical tools and intuitive guidance will have you tapping into your inner wisdom in no time and making decisions that align with your true self.

  • Flip Your Money Mindset, Lighten Your Mental Load


    Carrying a heavy mental load is not a badge of honor and it s affecting your money! Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Vikki Zacchilli, as they discuss how to overcome limiting beliefs and create a positive relationship with money. Get practical strategies for improving your finances and achieving your financial goals!

  • Start the New Year with GRATITUDE!


    If wanting a new year of greater abundance is one of your goals, you must first acknowledge and appreciate the abundance you already have. Join Erica Gifford Mills as she discusses how and why we should begin the new year with gratitude.

  • Getting Ready for the New Year


    As the year comes to a close and look ahead to the new year, are you looking to see if your health and wellness are in balance? Are you making SMART goals to address any issues? Join Erica Gifford Mills as she walks listeners through the dimensions of health and wellness through a special tool as well as establishing SMART goals (not exactly what you may be thinking) to address any deficiences. Get the new year started on the right foot! Join us for the discussion.

  • Self-Love: A Journey Not A Destination


    Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Dr. Donna Lindsay for a discussion on self-love. This discussion will lead listeners to improve and enhance their overall performance in every area of their lives, by embarking upon a transformative journey of learning how to love themselves unconditionally and unapologetically.

  • Confronting our Fear and Trauma in Leadership


    Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dr. Sheila Trapp, as they discuss confronting fear and trauma in leadership. As leaders, we must confront our own fear if we want to lead and lead well. We must also remember that equity is not equality. And, trauma, in any form, must be addressed because you bring you to the role of leader. Be sure you are "checking yourself" and your biases at the door.

  • Living Sugar Free, Aspie Secrets with Andrea Raquel, The Sugar Free Coach


    With Halloween just behind us and the other major holidays rapidly approaching, what better time to have The Sugar Free Coach on the show. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Andr a Raquel, as they talk about wellness, intersectionality, social change, and everything in between. Andr a Raquel was the 1st female voice of the 3d US Infantry, The Old Guard; Founder of Better Me, Inc. and The Xstream Network Live; Creator of the brand #LivingSugarFree and author of #AspieSecrets #LivingSugarFree Revealed.

  • Traveling outside your comfort zone to create the life you love


    Most people are struck living hum-drum lives because of fear. But moving out of your comfortable zone into the growth zone is where you will find your purpose and live out your dreams. If you can get uncomfortable long enough to get on the other side of your comfort zone, it is possible to create a life that you truly love. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Pamela Odom, as they discuss how to create a life you love.

  • Fuel Peak Performance to Transform Your World


    Your mindset makes all the difference in how you experience your world: emotionally fractured or emotionally agile. Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Orrin Lieuwen, to learn how to uncover and change your paradigms, align with your values, and improve your emotional life to be your best self every day.

  • Reframe Your Burdens, Harness Your Gifts


    Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Emma Schurink, as they explore what it means to harness your gifts so they become strengths rather than burdens on yourself or others. Empowerment Coach Emma Schurink is considered a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), whose overwhelming sensitivity to sensory processing used to hinder her ability to be present and authentic, as well as to connect with others. Join the discussion and see how Emma turned what felt like a burden into a gift, allowing her to be an effective empowerment coach at the young age of twenty-seven.

  • Creating Your Desired Life


    Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Kathleen Quinton to learn how finding clarity, balance, and releasing negative self-talk can catapult your confidence and have you reaching for more. Self-empowerment is about honing inner strengths until they become stronger than any limiting thought. The Pillars of Empowerment can help you to realize your worth, find more joy, and contribute your gifts. Are you creating the life you desire?

  • Divorce Grief: How to Process and Grow Through Grief


    When you are faced with divorce, whether you wanted the divorce or not, you go through a grieving process. The death of your marriage brings the loss of the hopes and dreams you had as a couple, the loss of your family life, friends, and community. Join Erica Gifford Mills, and her guest, Carrie Doubts, as they share what it means to grieve well and some of the "Rules of Grief" you may have learned growing up that need to be consciously examined and set aside in order for you to move into acceptance of your losses. During this episode, Carrie will share practices and tools for assisting you in taking care of yourself while grieving.

  • Boundaries and Balance


    Boundaries define balance; balance defines boundaries. How does one create balance in this busy world? How do we set and keep boundaries? Join Erica Gifford Mills on a new episode of Get Rooted Radio as she discusses how boundaries and balance go hand in hand.

  • Unplug and Recharge


    We all need to take some time away from our electronics; to unplug and recharge. Seems easy enough but in today's busy world, it can be a challenge for many. Join Erica Gifford Mills as she discusses unplugging, recharging, digital detox and how adventures, especially without technology, are good for the soul.

  • Becoming Fierce


    Being fierce is all about being powerful, strong, forceful, passionate, and fiery. It is about living a life out loud, full out, and embodying the beautiful, authentic expression that is you! How do you fully ignite that flame? Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Stephanie James, as they discuss a guide to help you on your journey; a roadmap to help you take the paths that all lead back to your essential self. The magnificent essence you were born with to shine, exude, and share with the world.

  • The Impact of Leadership on Society


    We, as individuals, owe it to ourselves to invest in our own self-development, our own leadership journeys. By not doing so, we are hurting our society as a whole, and the future of our society depends on individuals investing in their self-awareness and leadership. Join Erica Gifford Mills, with her guest, Dhru Beeharilal, Business and Executive Coach, as they discuss the impact leadership has on society.

  • The Power of Digital Branding


    Are you ready to grow your business? Doesn't matter if you are just starting out or ready to give your business a boost. In this episode, join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Keshia Butler-Thomas, as they explore how social media marketing is impacting brands and their success today. Keshia will explore various platforms and the ways in which you can best leverage your content to reach your ideal clients and grow your brands. Additionally, Keshia will give actionable tips and tools that you ll be able to implement immediately to start growing your social media branding today!

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