Shatter The Mold



For Those Banking On Themselves In A World That's Forcing You To Settle ...It's Time To Free Yourself From Groupthink, And Level Up Your Life!Strategies for lining your pockets, ideas for expanding your mind, tactics for dealing with people Im Andrew S. Kaplan, and Ive spent years in the trenches - observing, learning, taking loads of notes on how to navigate a world designed to hold you down one where speaking truth to power will get a target painted on your back. Now its time to share everything Ive learned. If youre ready to transcend all the hypocrisy, all the nonsense, and all the doubters who surround you, Shatter The Mold will be your go-to resource for making it happen. Well cover it all, and well take everything to the next level - your business, your money, relationships, your health, your status - your entire life. TO BOOK ANDREW as a guest on your show OR to become a guest on this one, reach out to us via our contact form at


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