Week 1- ysgrifennwch
Ymateb i data- Responding to data
21/02/2025 Duración: 12minIn this podcast we discuss how you can successfully discuss data for Unit 2.
Mad Minutes 1- Uned 2 vocabulary
12/02/2025 Duración: 10minVocabulary to use in Unit 2 GCSE Welsh second language exam
Uned 2: Technoleg- 'Rhaid i mi gael
20/01/2025 Duración: 11minPlease listen to the podcast that talks through through the 'Rhaid i mi gael' mat about technoleg/ technology
Cyflogaeth Prawf 8/ Employment Test 8
13/11/2024 Duración: 03minThis is the final installment in employment. This podcast covers 10 different adjectives/ phrases/ idioms when discussing employment.
Cyflogaeth Prawf 7/ Employment Test 7
13/11/2024 Duración: 04minIn this podcast we are practising and learning different tenses when discussing employment in Welsh.
Cyflogaeth Prawf 6/ Employment Test 6
13/11/2024 Duración: 03minIn this podcast we are practising and learning sentence starters to use in your speaking and writing.
Cyflogaeth prawf 5/ Employment test 5
13/11/2024 Duración: 04minIn this podcast you can practise and learn key sentence starters when referring to the clips in Unit 1.
Patrwm y pythefnos 3: y gofrestr/ the register
03/05/2024 Duración: 02minHow to answer the register in Welsh and discuss how many are present and who is absent
Patrwm y pythefnos: Y tywydd/ The Weather
19/04/2024 Duración: 04minOur second phrase of the fortnight! Listen to get involved and practise!
1. Cymraeg y bythefnos/ Welsh phrase of the fortnight
20/03/2024 Duración: 03minOur first phrase across the high school and cluster schools
Revision: examples of detailed opinions
20/03/2024 Duración: 04minOpinions on a variation of topics
Revision: future and conditional tense
20/03/2024 Duración: 04minPractising future and conditional sentence patterns.
Revision: The Past Tense
20/03/2024 Duración: 06minPractising the regular past tense rule with a few exceptions.
Revision: sentence patterns to express opion
20/03/2024 Duración: 06minA variation of sentence patterns to express opinion.
Revision: positive and negative adjectives
20/03/2024 Duración: 07minA list of adjectives to use in your speaking exams. Pob lwc!