Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne



Achieve Your Goals, Keep a Consistent Schedule and Live Your Dream Life


  • 7 Tough Lessons Learned in 2023

    21/12/2023 Duración: 47min

    Episodes mentioned:

  • Leading Your Team with Kenya Reeves-Costa

    14/12/2023 Duración: 16min

    Wearing all the hats in your business is exhausting. You started your business to create more personal and financial freedom but if you're currently doing everything, having a break from non-stop work probably feels like a far-off dream. Knowing how to systemize your business can help you stay productive and have all the time and money you need to build your dream life. My client, Kenya, didn’t have an SOP and team management process in place so she could scale her real estate business. That’s when she started working with me. Now, she was able to …

  • Steal My Yearly Planning Process

    07/12/2023 Duración: 52min

    Your success next year can begin as early as now. The advantage of planning your objectives for the next year will create momentum for everything you want to happen.  So if you have the goal of finishing 2023 and starting 2024 strong, then this episode is for you. In this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I’m going to spill my very own yearly planning process and the different strategies that I do to prep for the year ahead.   In this episode, you will …

  • 3 Online Strategies to Generate Clients

    30/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    This is why being visible online can be a game-changer… When you get yourself in front of more people, they can learn about what you do and how you can help them. That’s why when it comes to marketing your business, attracting clients online is one of the most powerful ways to grow.  However, learning the latest marketing tricks can take something that should be easy and make it overwhelming. That’s why for this week’s episode of Breadwinning Business Women, I discussed the 3 online strategies that worked for my own business and grew my client base.  I will also share …

  • How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

    22/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    Having a team is one of the keys to growing your business faster.   That’s why it’s important to choose the right set of people that are aligned with your goals and the vision that you have for your business.   As a Breadwinning business owner, you want to be intuitive all throughout the hiring process so you can work with the people who will help you support the growth of your business.   So for this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I shared the keys to hiring a virtual assistant. I will talk about…  

  • 7 Time Management Secrets

    17/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    It’s that time of year that most people are slowing down or even checking out.   In reality, this is the perfect time to stay productive and get things done.    You want to look at the end of the year as an opportunity to get ahead. The seeds that you plant now will create the harvest for the first few months of 2024.   So to jumpstart the year, I am going to share my 7 Time Management Secrets for this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode.   Tune in as I share …

  • Six Figures Selling Hair Repair with Brandi Nichole Wallace

    09/11/2023 Duración: 45min

    Making six-figures is possible even if you’re just in the first years of your business.   Women business owners are scared of looking at their numbers in their business but in reality, it’s how you can know how to grow and scale your revenue.   You just need to learn to speak to your target audience, how to package your offers, and pricing for the value that you provide.   In this week’s episode of Breadwinning Business Women, I am joined by Brandi Nichole Wallace, an International Award-Winning Stylist, Confidence Coach, Beauty Educator, Author, Speaker & Marketplace Prophet.    We talked how she grew her business, Hair Clinic Rx, and the steps she took to scale her revenue to six figures only in her business’ 2nd year.   We will share …

  • Leveling Up Your Team with Jaimee Brosko-Smith

    02/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    Here’s the truth: You don’t want to be the only person wearing all the hats.   Having the right people on your team will not only support client delivery, but it will also give you the space to level up as the leader of your business.   You will start to think ahead and plan further out so you're not feeling overwhelmed managing clients and the daily operations.   My client, Jaimee, needed help with getting organized and managing her team.   

  • Black Friday Promotions for Selling Services

    26/10/2023 Duración: 18min

    I know you can feel it – Black Friday is just around the corner. You’re thinking of offering your services but you’re afraid of getting lost in the online noise during this season. Hosting a promotion as someone who sells services and doesn’t have a product-based business is possible – you just need a streamlined promotion plan to excite your audience without devaluing your offer. For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I will talk about how you can leverage Black Friday to promote your services. I will share …

  • 7 Lessons Learned from 5 Years of Podcasting

    19/10/2023 Duración: 52min

    Podcasting is tough but it’s worth it.   There are some challenges in the way but ultimately, it’s a very rewarding experience.   Like any other content creation, podcasting is a great way to connect with your audience. It will help you share more value on a deeper level.   If you’re an avid listener of the podcast, someone who is interested in producing your own podcast, or already a seasoned podcaster, this episode is for you.   For this week, join me as I celebrate the 200th episode of Breadwinning Business Women and talk about the lessons I learned from 5 years of podcasting.   I will share…  

  • My Personal Weight Loss Journey

    12/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    As a Breadwinning Business Woman, your health is your wealth.   Your body is a vessel that you have to do the work you love and live the life you deserve so it’s important for you to take care of it.   If you’re going through a personal self-improvement journey right now, this episode is for you.   For this special Breadwinning Business Women episode, I wanted to share about my weight loss journey and what I’m doing about getting back to a place of being comfortable in my body.   Take this as a sign that If you're unhappy with something in your life, it’s ultimately up to you to change it and start taking action.   I’ll share …

  • Should I Brand as Myself or as a Company

    05/10/2023 Duración: 19min

    Should you brand as yourself or as a company? This is a common question from entrepreneurs at different stages of their business, so if you find yourself stuck in a decision, this episode is for you. Your brand needs to go along with your long-term vision for your business so it is important to be able to make a confident decision about it for yourself.  For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, we will dive into the differences between branding as yourself or as a company. Which one is better and most importantly, which one is right for you? I’ll share …

  • Selling as an Introvert

    28/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    Are you an introvert who's ever felt like your personality is holding you back from business success?    It's time to flip that narrative.   You're the Breadwinner of your business so it’s critical that you master the skill of selling so that you can attract ideal buyers to your business – even if you feel uncomfy putting yourself in front of other people.   If you’re wondering how you can make sales in your business as an introvert, this episode is for you.   For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I want to share with you than you can still have a successful business even if you have introverted tendencies. We dive deep into how you can leverage your unique strengths and grow your business as an introvert.   I talked about …  

  • Sales Strategies for a Successful End-of-Year

    21/09/2023 Duración: 24min

    It’s happening, the start of Q4 is just around the corner. If you're like me, you're wondering where the hell did the year go.   The clock may be ticking, but there's still ample time for you to make this year your best one yet.   If you wondering how you can still make the most of the time that you have left in the year and bring in some additional revenue, this episode is for you.    For today’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, we’re talking about to how to have a successful end of year push. I will give you some strategies that will help you think about your sales, double down, and keep going no matter where you are relative to your goals.   I talked about …  

  • How to Get Rich in a Niche

    14/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    Specialists get paid more than generalists.   Women business owners need to learn how to determine their profitable niche.   That’s why for this episode of Breadwinning Business Women, I talked about how choosing a niche will allow you to attract your ideal clients.    When you narrow your offers to focus on a specific niche market people will see you as an expert in your industry and that will entice them to want to do business with you.   I talked about …  

  • Switching from Proposals to Packaged Pricing

    07/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever had the experience of a potential clients trying to neogate your rates or picking over your services like they’re at a buffet?   That’s the challenge with proposals.    Instead of trying to sell yourself in a proposal, I want you to start considering offering packages.    For today’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I talk about the differences between proposals and packaged pricing and how purposals may be hurting your business and impacting your ability to close more clients.    No more waiting on clients to do endless research before deciding, no more sending off proposals and hearing crickets in response.   I talked about the …  

  • When winging it isn’t working anymore

    31/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    This is why you have no room for winging it in your business anymore… If you want to take your business to the six to seven-figure level, you also need to show up on that same level too. For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women, I want to talk about winging it in your business and what to do when you’re pretty clear that it’s not working for you anymore.  If the way you’re operating is still unplanned or unorganized, this episode is for you. I talked about the …

  • When you raise your rates and no one is saying yes

    25/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Telling your clients that you’re raising your rates can be challenging. If you’re at the place in your business where you know you need to raise your rates but you're worried if your current clients can no longer afford you, then this episode is for you. It’s important to know that some people will be upset, some will leave, and others will watch you level up and do the same. So in today’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I shared how you can gracefully convince your clients that you’re raising your rates. I talked about…

  • How to manage your calendar so you can take on more client work

    17/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    The lines between client delivery time and your own personal time should not be blurred. You need to build boundaries so that you can lead your clients on how to have the best working experience. It’s critical that you are able to set up your business in a way that doesn’t create a challenge for you or cross the lines of what is actually your work time or your personal time.  For today’s Breadwinning Women episode, I am going to share some strategies you can implement in your client delivery to set a healthy boundary and start setting your clients up for success. In this episode, I shared how you can …

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