Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Book Marketing Trends for 2023 01-53-2023



Get ready for an hour with two masters of book marketing and what you should be doing for 2023: John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Book and Dr. Judith Briles via the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Your takeaways include: • Hot tips for 2023 to do starting now. • 3 things to do for book marketing starting today. • What bombed in 2022, including NFTs and crypto. • Why being a podcast host may be a mistake. • Why being a podcast guest is better and how to take advantage of it when you are the featured guest. • Easy peasy way to become a guest on a podcast. • Why TV coverage has less pop. • Why libraries are a sweet spot for your book. • Why the Weeklies should still get your attention. • Why newsjacking is an ideal publicity window. • Discover ... new platform for authors and books Are you ready to start?