Risen Church Nc

His Body: Holy Reflections - 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:16



We return to our study in 1 Corinthians and once again hear Paul talk about the importance of considering the greater good of Christ's Body over our own interests and desires. He reminds us of the way of Christ, which is an others-first lifestyle. Being members of Him, we now understand that to glorify God, we must make decisions that edify His Body. From there, Paul launches into addressing a more specific issue, concerning gender identity and gender roles within the Body of Christ. He offers a unique, sacred perspective on how Biblical manhood and womanhood is as tied into our spiritual attributes as they are our physical distinctions. To disregard God's spiritual design of men and women is as concerning as disregarding our physical differences and callings. Ultimately, this all ties into what properly edifies His Body and what best reflects His image to our world. Listen to this message and more of our study in 1 Corinthians for a deep dive into how we all called into the Body of Christ and made to fu