Reggae Lover

Is Vanity Running Dancehall?



We discuss the reggae industry's focus on vanity metrics such as social media likes and YouTube views versus actionable metrics like engagement and sales. Reggae/dancehall fans find ways to get new music for free (YouTube, mixtapes, sound system audio, email blasts, SoundCloud, etc). They form opinions based on the opinions of others if they have to. They also find reasons to justify why they did not buy the new album(s).Fans of other genres take action by collecting (buying) albums, whether digital or hard copy. They collect the new albums of the artists they like and then form their own opinions about the music. Kahlil Wonda reviews Tarrus Riley's new album, "Healing." Reactions to the passing of celebrated Reggae icon and trailblazer, Toots Hibbert.The Tastemaker - Babylon Warfare · Tarrus Riley ft. Teejay and Dean Fraser this podcast at — Inquiries: &