Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

863 - The End of Bias Pt 2 (feat Jessica Nordell)



I'm going to tell you a story. It's not a true story, it's not even based on any specific person that I know, but it's the type of story that happens all the time. Maybe it's even happened to you or someone you know. This is the story of Jane. Jane had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, Jane had to work hard to overcome the many obstacles in her way. She was an excellent student and graduated from high school with top grades and even attended a good college and received her law degree with honors. But...she ran into a problem. Despite her impressive credentials, Jane struggled to find a job. She applied to law firm after law firm after law firm and sat for several interviews, but was always passed over for the job. She couldn't figure out why and now that the student loan payments were due, she had a lot of external pressure influencing her decisions. Jane couldn't understand why she wasn't getting hired, especially since she had done everything right, so she decided