Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

862 - The End of Bias Pt 1 (feat Jessica Nordell)



Here's a question...when was the last time you considered your unconcious biases? Have you ever? It's okay if not..most of us haven't. But here's something interesting to note..whether we take the time to examine them or not...they do affect us. Every single day. Maybe in small ways, getting passed over for a promotion, being spoken down to by your peers, or...in the case of my guest today...getting your work overlooked. Or maybe you've been the perpetrator. Choosing the cross the street at night when you see a person of color coming towards you. Or subconsciously discounting what a female colleague has to say. No matter how it affects you...it does affect you. And it can cause huge problems in your life and in larger society. That's why for the next 2 episodes, we're going to take about how to end it. And the answer? Well...you already know the answer...because this is Tiny Leaps, Big Changes. My guest today is Jessica Nordell. Jessica Nordell is a science writer, award-winning author, and speaker known for