Blunt Business

Vicente Sederberg LLP With Charles Alovisetti



With offices in New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, and Texas, Our next guest on Blunt Business represents a full-service cannabis law firm with a coast-to-coast and global footprint. Vicente Sederberg is supporting the Tri-state area with a full suite of services—legal, corporate, regulatory, policy, and research—for all types of plant-touching marijuana and hemp businesses (cultivators, retailers, extractors, product manufacturers, distributors, and testing labs), ancillary businesses, investors, trade associations, and governmental bodies.Historically, equity investors in the startup and venture capital space have been typically more comfortable dealing with corporations. However, in their experience, they have seen investors become more comfortable investing in LLCs—leading to more and more entrepreneurs electing the LLC structure.There was also an explanation of the licensing process. There are a variety of entity types to choose from, but most cannabis ventures