Blunt Business

Journey Into The Edibles Field



Now a three-time Cannabis Cup winner, Kirk’s journey into the edibles field began like so many others… out of necessity. Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, he was in the hospital recovering when a close friend brought him a marijuana laced edible. He tried it, it worked, and since then he’s been hard at work developing tasty recipes and whipping up cannabis infused treats for both local patients as well as celebrities such as Tommy Chong and Willie Nelson, who’s a HUGE fan of Kirk’s infused Key Lime Cheesecake! Kirk is not only a GRADUATE of Oaksterdam University, he’s also a certified OU INSTRUCTOR, teaching both infusion and extraction techniques to patients who want to learn how to make medicinal quality edibles at home. When he’s not in the kitchen, he’s traveling and advocating for the cause. As a member of NORML and Americans for Safe Access, he speaks at public events on a regular basis, championing the cause of marijuana decriminalization and legalization. Today he’s here to talk with us about all thi