The Pro Organizer Studio Podcast

137 | One Year Later: Lessons Learned After A Year In Business with Kim Snodgrass of Rustic Home Organizing



One year ago, we introduced you to brand new business owner Kim, who had just opened Rustic Home Organizing in Portland, Oregon. Melissa caught up with her almost exactly one year later to hear about what she learned (the good and the bad!) about starting an organizing business. Kim is an open book about what she thought she knew, and what she realized she didn't know at all...and everything in between.  If you want to catch up and remember what she said last year--hit up episode 97 of the podcast, "Taking A Leap: Lessons from a Business Launch." LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Learn more about our Inspired Organizer® community: click here Kim's beautiful website!! click here Connect with Kim on social: click here Get our free workshop, The Pro Organizer's Profit Plan, by heading to A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT THIS EPISODE: Melissa Klug: It was one year ago, almost exactly a year ago that we had you on the podcast, and you were at that time a baby organizer. You had just started your business and the other day