The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

706: Indoor Gardening of Salads



A chat with Peter Burke.  In This Garden Chat: It makes sense to keep our herb gardens close to our kitchens for easy access, and for some people that means gardening indoors. There are a variety of culinary options to our inside gardens and this month Janis stepped in to chat with Peter Burke to get some useful and inspirational tips for practical gardening indoors - with a focus on growing a fresh salad in only seven days.On the last Tuesday every month we host The Urban Farm Garden Chats where Greg Peterson has a relaxed conversation in a Zoom room with a special guest to cover useful gardening topics, and they answer questions from the live listening audience.To join us for the next event, go to or Click HERE to register for the Monthly Garden Chat with Live Q&AOur Special Guest:Peter has been teaching gardening classes since 2006 when he started presenting workshops on Indoor salad gardening. He also teaches about square foot gardening, extending the gardening sea