Ally Loprete

Sane Spaces, Happy Faces, Safe Places



Preserve Your Sanity. As parents, you don't get to have an OFF day. You don't get to be sick, or sad, or lazy or confused. You don't get to make mistakes. Or have blinding migraine headaches. You had plenty of time to have untimely medical conditions, fainting spells, or emotional freak outs BEFORE you CHOSE to bring a child into this world. You probably shouldn't have any mood altering medications, mid-day cocktails or "medicinal" escapes as you need to be 100% responsible for little people who are now depending on you FOR EVERYTHING. Godforbid you screw up because the world will be watching, iPhone recording, judging you VIRALLY and branding you as an UN-FIT parent. Ridiculous? Or ...Reality? You've probably seen the videos. A pregnant mother with 4 kids drives her family into an ocean. A young mother on a bus can't focus her eyes or keep from falling over without the help of her young daughter...probably a good-for-nothing-junkie comments say. Someone should take her child away from her, but first, let's