Ally Loprete

Watch Your Garden Grow



Back from the Blast! Last week's show was a hoot, wasn't it? It was exactly what I needed to let loose and feel more connected to my inner geek. Sometimes its neccessary to deviate from course a bit and shake things up. Thank you so much for your wonderful letters and participation! Melissa M. writes: "I needed this! It not only gave me reason to get out there and hit the gym, it gave me permission to enjoy listening to music that is mine." Amanda P. says: "That was truly hilarious! Ally, I have been waiting for you to break out that singing voice of yours. That was the most fun I've ever had listening to your show." Mendy G. says: "I was listening to your podcast and DYING! I ALSO have Rent on my music playlist I'm a huge Broadway playlist nerd..." Miss the Live show? Listen to the replay here---> This week our beloved Kelly will not be able to join us, but in her place I am thrilled to introduce you to another one of my fabulous staff members: Roz Walker. You may not realize it, but Roz is behind the scenes