Ally Loprete

Capitalize on YOURSELF Effectively



Welcome back Lil' Parents! As we say in my family when we have just taken a much needed break from one another -- I have enjoyed missing you! It's back to work and we have lots to cover! I am really looking forward to launching into the new format of the show tomorrow night! I hope that Monday evenings will bring more opportunity for you to tune in live and take interactive action. I have a terrific new line up of guests for the fall series and we plan catering each show to more specific challenges that you may be having as a parent and solo entrepreneur. I am pumped!! If there is one thing that inspires me, it's watching others create an innovative variant of success by pushing past boundaries and striving for progress rather than perfection. Very often we don't know what our life purpose is until it is staring us squarely in the face, and even then sometimes we miss it. The truth is we all have accessible solutions. What might start out as an imaginative approach to solve our own problems often results in a