Ally Loprete

We r all a 'lil Freaky & Funny. Own It.



Whatever is screaming the loudest gets the most attention. At least that is how it is in my house. As parents, our days almost never go as planned. You may have meant to put out a client newsletter or create a rockin' new business plan or even have a play-date with some new friends from preschool. All that was pushed aside, however, when your 3 year old peed on the floor or your 6 year old suddenly came down with pink eye or your hot water heater broke and seeped into all those boxes in the garage. Sometimes the hardest part of being a parent is that we lack control of the day to day and even the hour to hour. Why even have a game plan when it's sure to get disrupted by something unexpected? A game plan keeps you focused, but having flexibility keeps you prepared and ready to deviate from your plan without having a grown-up melt down. Tragedy + Time = Comedy Keep those chuckles coming. On most days, it's the only way to make it through. If you want to survive, you must learn to laugh at the absurdity of your