Ally Loprete

Say NO to Naysayers & YES to Yaysayers!



We are all capable of changing our mindset. Sometimes we just need the tough love. The kick in the pants. The serious talkin' to. Yep, this is going to be one of those broadcasts. You know, the one where I tell you to step outside of your little bubble, stop blaming others about the less than desirable situation that you are in, and turn that negative energy inside out. Before you decide that I am not talking about you and decide to tune this one out, try doing a little test to see how self aware you really are. Is playing the blame game REALLY productive? It may make you feel better at first, but I promise you there is a better way to overcome obstacles and take charge of your own This week I am going to share with you one of my little secrets for staying on top of my game and pushing through the rejections and the setbacks. All it takes is a little imagination. The truth is, things are never really what they seem. It's far too easy to blame all of our challenges on someone else's stupidity and