Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

LIVE Check in Q&A No.84



What do you think the absolute max price is (per month) for a service that offers 1 session per week with out taking the piss and over charging? Would you spend time each day following new accounts or hope that people find you through your content what is the best way to encourage clients in a group chat Do lead magnets have to be free - is there harm in a small fee to keep people accountable to it (i.e. 21-28 day challenges etc) How to retain clients after 6 month’s program without feeling sleazy? Ask about how to navigate through course and use e- learning book, plus dashboard Yes homeboys. In on a Sunday. Virtual High Five. Any recommendations for resources to get a deeper understanding of exercise biomechanics? What is your advice about clients that don't engage with nutrition support or check ins /monthly reviews I've given options of a short check in (3 questions with rating on a scale) , tracking on an app, food photos, food diary and even scaling it right back to just tracking portion