Risen Church Nc

His Body: Spiritual Gifts - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11



There's no way to talk about the life of a Christian without discussing the Spirit of God. We are literally products of His Resurrection power. The same power with which Jesus arose from the grave lives in the heart of every believer. This means that we are now supernaturally transformed, given a new nature and new desires. This also means that our lives are being guided in a new direction. In chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians, Paul talks to the Church about their new Spiritual nature and introduces some of the many gifts that God wants to bless His people with. It's tempting to think of these gifts as mere tools we pick up from time to time, but they are better understood as spiritual encounters a believer has with God as they daily pursue Him. Just as our natural bodies breath and have muscles and organs that serve specific functions, our Spiritual nature introduces us to new, Spiritual traits that can become natural. From gifts of wisdom and insight to wonderful, glorifying experiences with God - God invites