Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

How to Make Yourself Exercise and Renew with Anna



Do you find it difficult to make yourself exercise consistently? Or do you find yourself avoiding renewing your mind? If you struggle with either of these two things, you will be greatly encouraged by my interview with Anna today on the Taste for Truth Podcast (links below). What We Discussed on the Podcast How different formats of exercise can work with some and not others Anna's great experience with peer-led workouts How for some people challenges or check-boxes are highly motivating The difference between starting a habit (exercise) and stopping a habit (overeating), and how stopping a habit is like breaking a stronghold Consistency is the key Strategies for how to renew before the actual time of temptation occurs How for some people, the desire to have a lengthy renewing session will make them want to avoid it Strategies for shortening renewing sessions Remembering that God doesn't tell us that we have to renew our minds in a certain way or for a certain length of time to be set free Resources Mentione