Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! Exceptional Circumstances, Making it Work When Systems Don't~Nikki Lawley, TBI & Cannabis Advocate



TSC Talks guest Nikki Lawley is a former pediatric nurse, former blackjack dealer, and much more, who went from full active life to chronic daily pain and other debilitating symptoms after suffering a traumatic brain injury on the job in 2016. This is the story of how it happened, what happened and how she’s been able to move from existing in survival mode to having a life filled with hope despite ongoing challenges. In her own words; “since my (TBI) injury, one of the things that I’ve learned more than anything is about living in the moment. my life changed a second and I can’t go back and write a new ending, but I sure can start now and I just have really become more human with this injury. ”Here are a few relevant quotes from the transcript~full transcript linked below:“So I began the search for a diagnosis. It was hell, I was always a respected colleague in the medical field. And every doctor I went to was like, we don't understand why your symptoms are so long. We don't understand why you’re not better y