Grace Church

Working | Balanced | Week 1



Working  2/5/2023 | Pastor Derek | Colossians 3:22-24   Big Idea – We honor God with our faithful work. 3 ways work benefits you:   It allows you to provide for your family.   It develops your character.   It gives you an outlet for the skills God has entrusted to you.    3 Ways to Connect Your Work to God’s Work     Make every job worshipful (:23a) Whatever you do…  Work hard (:23) work heartily     Practical characteristics of diligent workers:   Show up on time.   Clarify what is expected   Exceed expectations regularly and joyfully.   Play nice with fellow workers.   Honor their supervisors.  Admit mistakes.   Share the credit with teammates.     3. God is your true boss (:23-24) as for the Lord and not for men   Four New Bottom Lines:   Who can I demonstrate God’s love to at work?    How can my community be better served by what I do?   How can I model excellence and hard work to those I work with?   How can my God-given gifts be maximized in my current position?    Next step: Pray “God, help me to under