Kevin Whitsitt

Ways to Save Money on Your Septic System.



Click on the link below for more at... Hey, what's going on?  If you have a septic tank, you know that pumping it can be very expensive around me it's $700. Knowing when to pump it can be confusing. If you don't pump the septic tank when it is needed it can lead to all kinds of problems such as clogging the drain field, leading to a smelly backyard, or even a backup in your home, which can be a shitty experience.  Worst case scenario is replacing things and parts, which is very expensive. Instead of pumping the septic tank based on time, which some people do, and some people recommend It's better to have a tool that tells you how much sludge is in your septic tank.  When the sludge reaches a certain amount then and ONLY then do you pump it. This tool can save you a lot of money because you're not paying to get it pumped when it doesn't need to be.   What causes the sludge is mostly toilet paper and solid