Kevin Whitsitt

Graph Crypto vs Chainlink? Winner is...



Click on the link below for more at... Hey wutzup.   I know OpenAI has been very popular lately, so I started looking at the top AI crypto projects out there and one of the leading ones is The Graph.    Some people think it's similar to Chainlink, so I wanted to talk about how they are both different and a little more on The Graph and some thoughts on the future of crypto in general  Graph organizes data on the Ethereum Blockchain, while Chainlink puts data on the Ethereum Blockchain.  They are completely different.  The Graphs token is GRT and there is a total of 10 billion compared to Chainlinks token LINK where there are 1 billion.   With Graph you can invest tokens called staking to earn rewards. With Chainlink, you can only earn rewards by being an Oracle and fetching information.   With Graph you can hold tokens allowing you to vote on things.  With LINK