Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 066 - It's Time To "Marie Kondo" The Toxic People From Your Life



Today's episode is another solo issue where Kathy tackles another something that she's learned over the years - removing toxic people from your life is good for you and your health! Unless you're insanely lucky, you've probably already that there are some friends or family members who cause your anxiety to skyrocket. As stress can be a major factor in causing MS exacerbations, you can see the logic in cutting them out of your life. Or, at the very least, setting some ground rules - and STICKING TO THEM! Listen as Kathy likens this action to deadheading plants. The more you get rid of the blooms that are faded and wilting, the better the whole plant does because it’s energy isn’t being diverted to something that isn't savable anyway. As always, Kathy welcomes comments and opinions here, on the FUMS Facebook page, on the FUMS Twitter account, on Instagram, or FUMSvideos on YouTube.    Topics covered include: Help keep FUMS alive at the FUMS Podcast Patreon page Rate and review the FUMS