Power Of Why With Naomi Haile

Where We See Crisis, Victoria Xu Sees Opportunity



Mass layoffs. The climate crisis. Springing, starry-eyed, from a global pandemic only to find a recession stalking our shadow. Are we lurching towards The End? Or, as impact entrepreneur and angel investor Victoria Xu sees it, are we gearing up for The Next Leap? Decarbonizing heavy industry with deep tech prodigy CleanInnoGen, investing in future-focused startups, and empowering everyone to join the charge with i4Green League, Victoria is helping reset, regroup and shore up the resources we need to face climate change. Humble, visionary and relentlessly optimistic, here’s how she does it. This episode is for you if: Your climate anxiety’s high and you could use some hope You’re mid-career and rethinking your industry You’re sceptical about cleantech but want to learn more You’ve considered becoming or getting funding from an angel investor Looking for a specific gem? [7:30] When Victoria met cleantech [8:00] 10 years in business? Time to study public policy. [15:00] Angel investing isn’t about