Wise Words

53: COVID-19 and the Third Sector with Nayla Al Fahed and Mike Dawson



Register for Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined Part II: https://bit.ly/3cA8uqY -------------------------------------------------- COVID-19 continues to affect many systems and societies around the world. Many charities and NGOs are facing challenges in providing their services through the global pandemic, yet many continue to persevere and bring aid and learning to those in need. We’re joined by Nayla Al Fahed from Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL), and Mike Dawson from Ustad Mobile, to discuss the role of the third sector in the pandemic. LAL’s Tabshoura and Ustad Mobile are both cohorts of the WISE Accelerator program and use technology with the aim to provide education to remote areas. -------------------------------------------------- Relevant links: Tabshoura: http://www.tabshoura.com Ustad Mobile: https://www.ustadmobile.com/lms/ -------------------------------------------------- Check out more from WISE and send us your thoughts! Website: www.wise-qatar.org Twitter: twitter.com/WISE_Twee