Wise Words

44: Scaling Innovation in Education with Ted Fujimoto



APPLY FOR THE 2020 WISE ACCELERATOR: https://bit.ly/2W13iaY ----------------------------------------------------- Innovation. You’ve probably seen the word being generously used across the media you consume. It’s the buzzword that many companies and organizations strive to achieve and specifically mention in their strategy (including ours!). In fact, a consulting firm, Board of Innovation, estimates that there are over 70,000 books written on innovation and the philosophies behind it. Despite its status as an overused term, it's values is most definitely still appreciated and adopted by industries alike, including the education space. However, education has been one of the sectors where innovation and change have been notoriously difficult to scale. Many cite challenges such as limited resources, undercompensated teachers, and students who are disengaged. At WISE, we know that innovative education projects are taking shape in many forms across the globe. The question is what is the most effective way