Risen Church Nc

His Body: Love Is... - 1 Corinthians 13



The New Testament anchors the entire Christian ethic and lifestyle in love. On every page and from every author, we find and hear reminders of the love of God displayed and demonstrated through Jesus. We are invited to receive that love and we are commanded to share that love. In this message, we look at Paul's definition of this selfless, sacrificial love. Paul details how we can embody this love, from our attitudes to our actions, so that we are without excuse. He also declares that the true mark of maturity and growth in a Christian is in how we love and our persistence in love. Every Christian has been saved by God's love and is compelled from His Spirit to remain in His love and refuse to live by any other way. If we want to change the world, like God has changed our hearts, it will only come through love.