Risen Church Nc

His Body: The Most Excellent Way - 1 Corinthians 13:1-8



In his explanation of the Spiritual Gifts and different ways that we all can serve in the church, Paul expressed concern over the contention and judgement that may settle upon the church in this area. He knew that the church was prone to go the way of religion, and allow each members' aspiration for holiness create within them a sense of self-righteousness and arrogance. He warns the Corinthians that they not forget that before they discovered their giftedness as Christians and before they made strides in their devotion, they were saved by grace and that same grace sustained them still. And so, Paul leads them in understanding a More Excellent Way, which is the only way that *every* Christian is required to perfect. In this message, we discuss this Most Excellent Way - the Way of Jesus - the Way of Love. Listen as we realize that this one thing is what makes the difference in our devotion to God and service to His Church. No matter how gifted we may be and no matter how devoted we may become, if we fail to