Blunt Business

Paybotic With Eveline Dang



Our next guest’s company is quite familiar to Cannabis Radio listeners. We featured this company last fall and we are happy to welcome back the folks from Paybotic, the premier payment solutions company that excels in tailoring solutions to the cannabis industry. Paybotic specializes in advanced technological solutions for payment processing providing financial solutions to help cannabis businesses in the United States. throughout the nation grow and succeed.One major issue in the cannabis industry is the lack of financing and payment processing programs available. We continue to await some federal relief to legal barriers that have continued to create difficulty for dispensaries to obtain services, record sales, process payments, and hinder the growth of many marijuana dispensaries. All you have to do is look at the crisis ongoing with the industry in California. While we are still waiting for legislation like the SAFE Banking ACT to be implemented.Advertising Inquiries: &