Underdog Empowerment

Build Real Followers of Real People on Instagram with Michelle Berman



In today’s episode we’re talking about building genuine relationships with people online. Guest, Michelle Berman, shares her personal and professional journey to success. Michelle grew up in Southern California and went to college on a swimming scholarship at Rutgers University. After graduation, she was told to get a job, but she hated it. She then uprooted for a boy, which didn't work out, but taught her a lot. During a difficult transition that included totaling a car and losing all her money, she made her way back to Southern California while her dad was going through chemo, and decided to stay there. After working in a public relations firm and hating that, Michelle started her own company in 2014, thinking there had to be a better way to do things. She hired a business coach in the UK, flew across the world, and sat in a coffee shop for 8 days with him. She then came back, fired all her clients, and started over. Today, she has done just over a million dollars in core sales and has been on 100 podcasts.