Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Negotiation for Physicians with Linda Street, MD



How do you go about asking for what you want in the workplace?No one really teaches you how to have difficult conversations when it comes to asking for the compensation you deserve, so it can be hard to speak up and advocate for yourself.The reality is if we want to have any hope of closing the gender pay gap in medicine then we have to learn to ask for what we want. On top of that, you deserve to be paid for your value!Our guest, Linda Street, MD, is a former client turned negotiation coach who is also a physician in practice right now. She’s here to teach us about negotiation. Dr. Linda Street is a board-certified Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist and Life Coach who focuses specifically on physician negotiations. She is the Founder and CEO of Simply Street MD Negotiation Coaching where she helps female physicians take charge of their lives and negotiate for the salary they deserve. She lives and breathes to close the gender gap, starting with you!Whether you're overdue a raise, you’re applying for job